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News and Prophecy Staff

Catholic Church vs. the United States

According to the Cardinal leading the Vatican’s highest court, “the policies of the president of the United States have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization.  He appears to be a totally secularized man who aggressively promotes anti-life and anti-family policies… Obama wants to restrict religious freedom and force the individuals, outside his or her place of worship ‘to act against his rightly-formed conscience, even in the most serious of moral questions’… ‘Such policies would have been unimaginable in the United States even 40 years ago’” (CNS News, March 21, 2014).

Watch India!

“India remains the biggest buyer of arms in the world, importing nearly three times as many weapons as its nearest competitors China and Pakistan over the last five years” (Agence France-Presse, March 17, 2014).

Zu Guttenberg calls for German leadership in Ukraine.

In a recent article analyzing the crisis in the Ukraine, former German Defense Secretary Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg called for coordinated action by EU and the U.S., and he criticized their lethargy and dis-unified front. He also called for greater German leadership in the crisis: “My fellow countrymen will not be happy to hear this, but Germany will have to play a core role in this process.

Super-plague could reappear.

The deadliest plague ever to hit mankind killed between 30-50 million people during the 6th century AD—nearly one half of the Earth’s population (Times of Malta, January 28, 2014). “Some 800 years later, the Black Death wiped out 50 million Europeans between 1347 and 1351” (ibid.).

California's Killer Drought.

“In late January, California officials, for the first time in the 54-year history of the State Water Project, announced they were cutting off the flow of water from the northern part of the state to the south, affecting both farms and cities… This as California’s Central Valley, producer of half of America’s fruits, vegetables, and nuts, is experiencing its worst drought on record” (Christian Science Monitor, February 19, 2014).
