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News and Prophecy Staff

Will France Exit the EU?

In France, there is a growing frustration and distrust of the EU (The Connexion, January 1, 2011). A recent local election elevated the profile of the Front National party—a party “committed to withdrawal from the euro, the restoration of French franc, and the complete destruction of monetary union” (Telegraph, October 14, 2013). The party favors what some are calling a “Frexit” (an exit of France) from the EU.

China’s Ambitions and Prophecy.

World events are pointing China towards the Middle East and the fulfillment of ancient Bible prophecies. As an emerging power with global connections, China’s future is linked to transport routes. More than 80 percent of China’s trade exports and energy imports—including vital shipments of Middle East oil—travel by sea lanes policed by U.S. naval forces (, September 27, 2013). However, as the U.S.

Radical pope changing the church?

Since taking office, Pope Francis’ comments on tradition and doctrine have unnerved conservative Catholics. In a July interview, the Pope was asked about homosexual priests. His response was, “Who am I to judge?” (New York Post, September 19, 2013). When asked about issues of abortion, homosexuality, and contraception, the Pope commented “The dogmatic and moral teachings of the church are not all equivalent.

Implosion of a superpower.

As the U.S. government shutdown continues, world leaders are shaking their heads in disbelief. “Germans have found it hard to understand American lawmakers’ inability to resolve their budget disagreements in time to prevent a shutdown” and are left wondering “how things could have been allowed to get to this point and why there is so much poison in the system” (Der Spiegel, October 2, 2013).

Syria and the decline of the West.

The political maneuvering over how to deal with Syria’s chemical weapons reveals the growing weakness of the West—especially the U.K. and the U.S. With David Cameron’s failure to convince Parliament to support military action against Syria and Russia’s opportunity to “save” President Obama from an embarrassing congressional refusal to take action against Syria, “it suddenly became clear just how far the influence of the West has ebbed” (The Economist, September 21, 2013).
