Gerald E. Weston | Page 59 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

In Search of Success

Everyone wants to be successful, but what is success? For some it is “getting ahead” or “climbing the corporate ladder.” For others it is accumulating money - lots of money! But whatever one’s definition of success, there seems to be a link or connection between success and what we think of as happiness. The Bible reveals the way to true success and lasting happiness.

Success Where Others Failed?

For many years, Canada was made up mostly of people whose ancestors came from England or France, along with indigenous peoples. But this demographic has changed dramatically over the last half century. As with the United States, Canada is a nation of immigrants. Prior to 1961, more than 90 percent came from Europe. That number is now down to 16 percent. Today, Canada is a mosaic of peoples from all inhabited continents of the world.

Freedom under Attack!

Canadians are known for being polite. Sometimes politeness here goes to the extreme. Go for a walk in my neighborhood and come to a corner the same time a car does, and there will be a friendly standoff—with each gesturing for the other to go first.

When Cultures Clash

Is Europe dying? It certainly is not reproducing itself, as birthrates have fallen far below replacement rates. European nations are relying on immigration to fill jobs—and to fill nurseries. What happens when immigrants' values are at odds with their host countries?

Not As Many As There Used To Be

In recent years, Canadian women have on average given birth to just 1.48 children each, yet Canada's birth rate is among the highest in the Western world. Demographers tell us that the "replacement rate" is 2.1 babies per woman, and that of all the Western democracies, only the United States' women at 2.11 are keeping pace with death. Nineteen of the world's 20 lowest birth rates are found in Europe, where the overall rate stands at 1.32. Russia stands at an abysmal 1.14.
