Gerald E. Weston | Page 56 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

The Way to Peace

The First World War was declared to be "the war to end all wars," yet a short 21 years later the world was plunged into another global conflict. The League of Nations and eventually the United Nations were established with the goal of preventing war and establishing a state of peace throughout the world. Why have they failed? What is the way peace?

Why Creationists Are Wrong

Did dinosaurs and human beings walk the earth together before the great biblical flood described in the book of Genesis? If so, why does human history not record this? If not, where do dinosaurs fit in the history of planet Earth? Many sincere people assume that the biblical account in Genesis reveals our universe, and our planet, to be about 6,000 years old. Watch this program to discover what many miss when reviewing the Genesis account of creation, and learn why “young Earth” creationists are wrong.

Christian Baptism

Virtually every professing Christian knows something about baptism. If you were born into a Christian denomination, you may very well have been baptized as an infant, or later as an adult. Among professing Christians, practices vary widely, from washing to sprinkling water on infants, to total immersion for adults. Some even ignore baptism entirely. Why are there such differences? What does the Bible actually tell us about baptism?

Keys to Happiness

All of us want to be happy, but true lasting happiness alludes many. Are you truly happy? Discover 5 biblical keys that promise to lead to true happiness. These keys can give you direction, meaning and purpose. They can also add greater richness to an already happy life.

Perish... the Thought

Wise individuals prepare for the future, yet many have not given any thought to what might occur after death and how they can prepare for a better future.  Have you made such plans?  The bible describes the tremendous opportunity available for those willing to prepare now to reach their ultimate destiny!
