Gerald E. Weston | Page 55 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

The Age of Deceit

Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” The world is no closer to answering that question today than it was nearly 2000 years ago. Sadly, we may be further from the answer today. The Bible predicted long ago that there would come a time when truth would be rejected. In fact, it has been replaced by outright deceit. Discover what the Bible reveals about this age of deceit and where you can find real truth!

The Beast of Revelation

The book of Revelation mentions three strange beasts. All are related in some way, but all three are different and all three have something to do with events that are beginning to happen right before our very eyes. Wild speculation surrounds all three of these prophetic beasts, but you can know what they represent. Allowing the Bible to interpret its own symbols, discover the identity of these beasts and what they mean for your future.

Unlocking the Mystery

The biblical book of Revelation is filled with mysterious symbols: multi-headed beasts, locusts who punish men, a star that falls from heaven, and a burning mountain thrown into the sea which destroys one third of the fish of the sea. Revelation is an unusual book, but it holds vital information for your future. Learn how to unlock the mystery of Revelation!

Darwin’s Legacy

Published in 1859, On the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin has been referred to as “one of the most important books ever written.” It has truly changed the world. It is difficult to quantify how much of our thinking has been influenced by the evolutionary explanation for life. Has this change been for the better?  150 years later, what is the real legacy of Darwin’s teachings?

In Search of Love

Everyone wants to be loved, but not everyone feels loved. Children of all ages want to know that they are loved by their parents. Most teens are driven by a desire to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. And what adult doesn’t want to be loved? But what is love, and how can you have it? Join us “in search of love.”
