Gerald E. Weston | Page 63 | Tomorrow's World

Gerald E. Weston

Why Marriage?

The institution of marriage is under assault today as never before. As appalling as divorce dates are, co-habitation has obscured the true picture as many couples couple and de-couple without formally entering into a marriage. In light of this, is it not wise to ask this very simple, but fundamental question? Why marriage?

How Much Is Enough?

It is interesting how most people profess to know that money does not make happiness, but they live as though they believe just the opposite. Some have far more than they need, but sadly, they think they need more and are never satisfied. The more they have, the more they want. What is the biblical solution?

Morality Without God?

Peace, harmony, and long life have been sought for by man from earliest times, but somehow these elude us. Why? Is true peace and harmony possible? And what about long life? If so, why has man failed to achieve these things?

Is It Good for You?

We live in a world where raunchy movies are routine. So are violence, illicit sex, and rebellion against authority. Is it possible these pictures entering our minds affect our behavior? The Bible tells us there is a cause for every effect.

The Unknown God

In one of his most famous sermons, Paul spoke at the Areopagus and taught the people of Athens about The Unknown God. He described this God as One that the people worshiped without knowing. Who is this God that Paul proclaimed and what relevance does He have in your life?
