Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


Who Was the Old Testament God?

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Volumes in bookstores and libraries and online sources claim to reveal just Who Jesus was, where He came from, and His relationship to the God of the Old Testament. Yet they contain little that is really...


2022 in Bible Prophecy

  • Gerald E. Weston

Disaster upon disaster: Civil unrest, gas prices, catastrophic winter storms, cyber attack, fires, inflation, empty grocery shelves, fuel shortages, widespread drought, supply chain breakdown—when have all of...


Three Trends in Global Affairs

  • Michael Heykoop

How do you separate the news from the noise? This is one of the many challenges of living in the information age. In decades past, the news was a one-hour event where news anchors would describe a handful of...


Just What Is the Day of the Lord?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

More than 30 prophecies in your Bible describe an awesome event that will rock the whole world. It’s called the DAY OF THE LORD. It will shake all nations and all peoples on earth. It will affect you and your...


Is Darwinism Dead?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Is Darwinian evolution the fact you’ve been told it is?  Or is there reason to doubt Darwin? Many discoveries made over the last half century call into question whether life as we know it could possibly be the...


Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

  • Wallace G. Smith

Consider whether Christmas is un-Christian. If its origins adopted pagan customs and traditions, does that matter to God? Did Jesus say, "That’s okay—as long as you have good intentions"? Find out the Bible's...


Three Prophecies of Daniel Explained!

  • Michael Heykoop

While some of the prophecies recorded in Daniel have already been fulfilled, many also stretch into a time yet ahead. These prophecies have been the subject of much speculation, but you can know what they...


Why Does God Allow Pandemics?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Some see Covid-19 as a wake-up call, that maybe we are not pleasing our Creator. One thing we know for sure: Our world will never be the same. This crisis is evolving so rapidly that it is impossible to...


The Great Deception

  • Stuart Wachowicz

How can a deceptive narrative about an incident come to be deeply believed, even by those who may have witnessed it or participated in the event? Can people really be made to accept a false representation of...


Will You Go to Hell?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

You may be surprised to learn that the Bible doesn’t say people go to an ever-burning hellfire immediately after they die.  Discover the amazing plan of God, including His plan for those who died in ignorance...


The Illuminati: Threat or Mythology

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Is there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth’s inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of elites? Any who delve into such ideas soon discover tales of the...


When a Loved One Dies

  • Rod McNair

How do you deal with the death of a loved one and the questions and fears it raises? What happens when you die? Is there an afterlife? What about resurrection? All of these questions have answers in the Bible...

