Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The War Against Knowledge

  • Stuart Wachowicz

Nearly 70 years ago Dr. Hilda Neatby sounded a warning about what she saw as a developing movement to change schools from places of learning, and the transmission of knowledge, to centres where students would...


Exposing Five Myths About Jesus

  • Gerald E. Weston

Paganism and Christianity—how much have pagan practices corrupted Christian doctrines? Where did some common beliefs credited to Christianity—such as the veneration of Mary—actually originate? In this episode...


There Is a Real God and He Wants You to Know Him!

  • Michael Heykoop

Is there such thing as God? If so, who is He, what is He like? Can you know? Do you need to know? Or does it even matter? Yes, there is a God. He orchestrated the creation of all things, and that includes you...


New Gods, New Sins

  • Wallace G. Smith

The gods of our ancestors may not be prominent anymore, but that doesn’t mean mankind hasn’t made new gods to worship, and new ways to sin. Just what are these new gods and new sins? Watch to find out more.


Truth in an Age of Lies

  • Michael Heykoop

What are the perils of living at a time when information more widely available than ever before? Information is a good thing. It is impossible to make wise decisions without having information. We use the...


The Amazing REAL World to Come

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

With bad news and sudden changes all around, you can cope effectively, even happily—but not by video-gaming, virtual reality, metaverse, mindless entertainment, or other escapism methods. Instead, get a...


The Collapse of World Order

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In the 31 years between 1914 and 1945 the world experienced two of the most devastating wars in human history. By the time the guns fell silent in August 1945, more than 77 million lives had been claimed. In...


Malachi’s Prophetic Message for Today

  • Rod McNair

Are we the first generation to ever grapple with issues of injustice and unequal treatment under the law? The Old Testament book of Malachi tackles that subject with very potent advice—and parallels—for our...


Fewer Babies: Population in Decline

  • Stuart Wachowicz

In April 2019, Global News reporter Jules Knox filed an article revealing that senior health care is now the fastest growing sector of the British Columbia economy. Even with significantly improved wages, many...


The Greatest Conspiracy of All

  • Gerald E. Weston

Which commonly believed theories about Christianity have no basis in biblical facts? Let’s examine these ideas—and the most popular conspiracy theories, urban legends, and tall tales—to see which ones fall in...


Was Jesus Real?

  • Michael Heykoop

Christianity is a religion unlike any other. The teaching that God sent His only son to earth to live as a human being, without fault and then be put to death by His Father's creation only to rise from the...


Five Myths About the Resurrection of Jesus

  • Wallace G. Smith

What do you believe about Jesus Christ’s resurrection? Good Friday? Easter Sunday? Passover? Put your beliefs to the test. Join us for some resurrection myth-busting in this episode of Tomorrow’s World.

