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Depression has become one of the fastest growing health concerns of our age. This program discusses common contributors to depression and some strategies for successfully overcoming such challenges. We look at...
WatchHow do you identify true religion? Gerald Weston challenges you to face tough questions for Christians—and for other religions and atheists—even if the answers mean changing your fundamental beliefs.
WatchWhat will the fallout be from the war in Ukraine? Some wonder, will it lead to WW-3 and Armageddon. The good news is that the short-term answer is, no. Do you realize there is a source you can rely upon that...
WatchSee if you need to be “Rapture ready” or not, as Wallace Smith compares the Rapture to end-time Bible prophecy—including the Great Tribulation, seven trumpets of Revelation, and return of Jesus Christ.
WatchIs there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth’s inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of elites? Any who delve into such ideas soon discover tales of the...
WatchWhy did God rest on the seventh day? Learn how to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6-7), as Rod McNair connects the weekly Sabbath rest to God’s promises in Bible prophecy—and the peace of God.
WatchIf there is a Creator who made the earth and designed mankind, and that Creator is good and loves His Creation, then why is it that bad things happen? Why does God allow suffering to exist in this world?
WatchWhy is Satan the Devil allowed to deceive the whole world? (Revelation 12:9). Find out how spiritual warfare ends at the return of Jesus Christ, as Wallace Smith explains God’s plan from Scripture.
WatchFor millennia, the Book of Revelation has captivated the imagination of just about everyone who reads it. Filled with symbolism and prophetic passages, many have tried to understand the mysteries contained in...
WatchHow does God answer prayers? Find out five steps you can take to experience the “effective, fervent prayer” mentioned in James 5:16, as Richard Ames explains from Scripture the real power of prayer.
WatchIs the world becoming more dangerous? This is one of the most important questions we should be asking. Peace and safety are among our most basic needs and are often touted as goals for new governments,...
WatchWhat does the Bible say about baptism? Rod McNair explains Christian baptism from Scripture—the purpose of baptism, who is allowed to baptize, water baptism by immersion, and adult baptism vs. infant baptism.