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What are the religious beliefs of Canadians and how are they changing from previous generations? The decline of religion is a favourite topic of many. Some see it as a sign of turbulent times and mourn the...
WatchLearn how to understand New and Old Testament prophecies—fulfilled prophecy and end-times prophecy yet to come—with seven helpful Bible study tips, including examples in Revelation, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel,...
WatchThe Mark of the Beast is a subject that fascinates people and generates many speculations—most of them totally wrong. Yet, this special mark will, one way or another, affect your life and that of your loved...
WatchWill your beliefs about death and resurrection prove true—or false? Find out as Gerald Weston challenges popular pagan traditions about heaven, hell, the immortal soul, and what happens when you die.
WatchA review of the potential for conflict over this precious resource and a look to the Bible to answer this essential question: Will we run out of water?
WatchJoin us in remembering and honoring Richard Ames, Tomorrow’s World presenter and writer, in this special video tribute to his legacy, achievements, and life as a faithful servant of God.
WatchWe review several prophecies found in the book of Nahum which archaeology has confirmed regarding the fall of the ancient city of Nineveh.
WatchAll nations will keep the Feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14). Learn how this feast of the Lord—among the holy days in the Bible—pictures the millennial reign of Christ and His saints (Revelation 20).
WatchMankind had spent the last decades attempting to build institutions that could end war. Yet, war is again upon us. Will wars ever end?
WatchOn which side will you be in the ultimate showdown of good vs. evil? Learn from Bible prophecy how and where the beast and false prophet lead all nations to fight Jesus Christ (Revelation 19, Joel 3).
WatchThe ancient Greek Myth of Daedalus and Icarus tell the fascinating tale of a daring attempt to gain freedom. That which was supposed to set Icarus free ultimately imprisoned him even further. Sadly, there are...
WatchFind out the significance of the Russia-Ukraine war in end-time Bible prophecy, as Gerald Weston shows from Scripture how end-time superpowers and alliances will shift as prophetic events occur.