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We can all desire a commodity, an improvement or achievement, without being driven by greed. Greed is more than desire. It is, as the definition stated, a craving for MORE than one needs. It is often...
WatchIf Jesus Christ endorsed Sunday as the day of worship, why did it take a declaration from a Roman Emperor 300 years after Jesus' death and resurrection to establish Sunday worship for Christians? Why did the...
WatchHow important is morality to you? Did you know that among Canadians, according to an Angus Reid pole, an astounding 40% (almost half) don’t even view the word morality as having a positive meaning? Have morals...
WatchWhy is Western Civilization falling apart? With law, order, peace, and civil respect becoming more difficult to practice, let's look at the democratic principles that should stabilize a nation—concepts...
WatchOver the past generation, the knowledge and stories related by the Bible that once formed a framework for our laws, literature and even our scientific advances have been lost. Thus, we have a growing...
WatchWill Jesus Christ return tonight? Let's go through the Bible to see what Jesus Himself said must happen before His Second Coming—and whether that includes a sudden rapture of His true believers. Watch this...
WatchIn the U.S. and Canada, mounting pressure from advocacy groups and media have led to a political movement to decriminalize or legalize marijuana. The Liberal government in Canada has already approved...
WatchHow have you fallen prey to the most successful and cunning con artist ever to live? Selfishness, getting even, conspiracy theories, social media platforms, even unwavering political views are just a tiny...
WatchNowhere is the specter of war more probable than in the volatile Middle East. It’s a dangerous place when policymakers are, as Mikhail Gorbachev says, “confused and at a loss.” Conflicts that start small in...
WatchExamine the major signs of the end of the world as we know it, straight from Bible prophecy, as outlined in this video. Some signs we have begun to see—full rejection of God and the Bible, unprecedented...
WatchOn February 6th, 2022, Queen Elizabeth the second became the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years in service reigning over the United Kingdom and British Commonwealth. While...
WatchDo you know the prophet Jeremiah's message for the end times—and for Britain and America? He warned of events that are happening right now. Understand the warnings in the book of Jeremiah and how to identify...