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Picture our big city hospitals. What will happen when the next pandemic strikes? They will be overwhelmed. The doctors will probably run out of flu shots or other shots. There will be absolute panic. Do you...
WatchWhat would be the most exciting banner-headline possible for tomorrow morning's newspaper or television news program? What about this headline, "Jesus Christ has returned in power to rule the world!" All over...
WatchSatan the Devil has deceived the whole world. He uses subtle schemes, tricks and devices to defraud and elude us. In fact, the Bible reveals that Satan is the "god" of this world and that he holds captive...
WatchWhat is the most flagrant error of mainstream Christianity? Is it hypocrisy? Is it racism? Is it worldliness? God's inspired word tells us that the whole world is deceived. Do you know about the most obvious...
WatchGreat nations often reflect great character and purpose. But when their morals and values decline and decay their days and years are numbered. How incredible it is when states and nations reject the Ten...
WatchDid hurricane Katrina get your full attention? Remember the terrible devastation this powerful hurricane brought to millions who were affected? Remember the death tolls that climbed towards one thousand...
WatchWhere are we headed as the year 2006 begins? How will your life be changed this year? Can you really know what lies ahead? Can you prove your ideas and your feelings? There is a way to be sure! There is a...
WatchWhere is America headed? How long will our so-called "American way of life" survive? How much will your job, your family and your very life be affected by the enormous traumatic events which your Bible...
WatchThe theory of evolution has led many to believe that there is no God. Others believe that God created the universe and then let evolution proceed without Him. Supposedly, "God is now out of the picture and He...
WatchWe live in a world of challenges, dangers and stress. According to Time Magazine, 19 million Americans are afflicted with anxiety disorder. We all experience stress, sometimes severe stress in our cities,...
WatchNow is the time to get your house in order. Prophetic events are truly speeding up. You need to understand where we are in prophecy and what you should do. This program has some shocking information.
WatchDid you know that Christmas celebrations were not observed by the early New Testament church? Did you know that neither Jesus nor the apostles celebrated His birthday? Then why do people celebrate Christmas?...