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The mysterious book of Revelation, in your Bible, is now coming alive in world affairs! Shocking changes will soon come on the world scene, but only those who grasp the real meaning of the book of Revelation...
WatchMore than 500 sects and denominations call themselves "Christian," though their beliefs and practices are often contradictory. Most mainstream groups now act as though sin does not really exist. Many even...
WatchCan a Christian succeed in today's world? Life brings us many challenges. Natural disasters from earthquakes to floods to drought to hurricanes disrupt many lives. Stresses from the job or joblessness put...
WatchThe United States has been a great superpower. However, with other potential superpowers on the horizon—such as the European Union and China—will the United States continue to exercise its political, economic...
WatchThe Book of Revelation may be the most mysterious book you have ever read. Did you know it reveals the future of the world in the 21st century? Bible prophecy reveals major prophetic events that will soon...
WatchIf you are a parent, or are in any way responsible for the care of children, you surely recognize that our present society is not designed to support the healthy care and upbringing of young people. Thankfully...
WatchDo you know the specific signs preceding Christ's coming? Do you realize that the Creator God is already intervening in human affairs? Do you really want to understand what lies just ahead, and to be able to...
WatchThe Book of Revelation in your Bible is a mystery to most people and yet it reveals the future of the world! The apocalypse or revelation features many symbols. One of those symbols is a beast with seven heads...
WatchThe United States is the world's only undisputed superpower, but how is it using its power today? Its entertainment industry exports pornography, immorality, materialism and other false values around the world...
WatchBible prophecy shows how the Middle East will determine the future not only of Europe and North America, but of the whole world! Will the world ever see peace in the Middle East? What does your Bible say? What...
WatchWhy is the United Kingdom also called "Great" Britain? Is it a title, left over from the days of the British Empire, that should be changed to simply "Britain" to reflect her diminished status as just one...
WatchWorld events in Bible prophecy clearly show that we are in the end times. We are nearing the end of the age, the end of this world's society and the second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, is fast...