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When Jesus Christ walked this Earth almost 2,000 years ago, He spoke about a kingdom—the Kingdom of God. You don't hear about it much today in our churches and seminaries, or on religious television programs....
WatchThere is a very real Satan the Devil. He is now busily attacking the Bible more than ever before. But the divine inspiration of the Bible can be proved. The Bible gives you the real answers as to why we were...
WatchA recent University of Chicago study found that 63 percent of married people are "very happily" married. Should that percentage be higher? Can you have a happier marriage? There are seven simple rules that can...
WatchMany scientists believe that life ends at death. On the other hand many religious people believe that when the body dies the soul goes to heaven or hell. Still others look to the resurrection as their only...
WatchWe are living in an age of deception. Advertisers are able to make things look better than they really are. Movie producers can trick us into thinking what we see is real. The political world has proved to be...
WatchFew today realize that most of the holidays which mainstream "Christianity" observes come straight out of paganism! Did you know that God gave Christians an entire series of Holy Days, which Christ and the...
WatchCountless millions of Americans have grown tired of hearing politicians argue with each other. Although there is much talk, and constant disagreement, few ever touch on the really big issues confronting...
WatchYour future is about to be drastically changed. A massive religious revival will soon overtake the Western world, and and it will affect your life far more than you can probably now imagine. The Antichrist...
WatchYear after year, the Bible is the world’s best selling book. Chances are you have one on your coffee table, or stored away in a closet somewhere. But how many even read the Bible? If you don’t read this book,...
WatchIs "Christianity" supposed to be a set of beliefs or a feeling in your heart? Should the Church be involved in social work or seeking political change? What exactly are Christians supposed to be doing? The...
WatchIncreasing thousands of Americans are being killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The television cameras are mainly kept away from the body bags of those dead Americans. But these Middle East wars, and...
WatchWe've all heard of the Romans and the Greeks. These two great empires have given us so much of what we consider a part of our life. Modern mathematics, science. law and education have all been influenced by...