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There is a very real God. The prophetic events prophesied in the Bible are all finally coming together. You need to know that a very REAL God exists! You need to talk to Him, to walk with Him and to pray to...
WatchMany of us have dreamed about treasure hunting and striking it rich. The pirates of old are said to have amassed fortunes in gold, silver and jewels. Some of those riches are still hidden to this day. But...
WatchIs God the product of human imagination or does He really exist? Are scientists right to say that evolution explains human origins or does the evidence point to a God who created the universe and everything in...
WatchIn the century and a half since it was first published, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species has proved to be one of the most influential books of our time. Not only has it influenced the study of science...
WatchDo you really want to know why human suffering is allowed? Why the American and British descended nations are in trouble? Why our wars, our economies and our lives will be increasingly in trouble from now on?...
WatchMany scientists believe that life ends at death. On the other hand, many religious people believe that when the body dies the soul goes to heaven or hell. Still others look to the resurrection as their only...
WatchWhy were you born? Is there a real purpose for your life? Is there a reason for "being", far beyond just making money, having fun or even building a family or a career? If there is a real God, what supreme...
WatchDo you remember the Cold War? Do you remember when it ended? What ever happened to the "giddy" optimists and their predictions of the "end of history"? Lets face it, with the collapse of the Iron Curtain in...
WatchSpringtime is here and it is Easter time. Millions will be attending Easter sunrise services or at least going to church on this Easter Sunday. But, why? Why do you believe the things YOU believe? Is it...
WatchProphetic events are speeding up. More and more things are going wrong for the United States. Jesus Christ really is coming soon back to this Earth! But even most professing Christians are not remotely ready...
WatchOur Western world promotes sex in its entertainment, its culture and its daily life. For many, fornication and adultery are exciting. But Bible prophecy predicts a terrible judgment on those peoples who...
WatchFor more than 50 years the Middle East has been a powder keg of international conflict. The United Nations has tried to bring peace to the region. The United States has spent tens of billions of dollars on...