News | Page 439 | Tomorrow's World


What If the U.S. Fails in Iraq?

If the United States cannot create a democratic regime in Iraq, will militant Islam gain the upper hand? What do world history and Bible prophecy tell us about the consequences of U.S. failure in this troubled region?

Lessons of History

Can any nation long endure? For more than 200 years, the United States and British-descended nations have been at the forefront of world power and influence—but that influence seems to be waning. What does this mean for individual Christians—and for the world?

Religious Confusion

Why is there such religious confusion today? The two largest religious bodies on earth are Roman Catholicism and Islam. Most "mainstream" Protestant churches are losing members by the hundreds of thousands! Meanwhile, the Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses are growing rapidly. So are the emotion-laden "Pentecostal" churches, which are gaining many members from the ranks of former Roman Catholics, especially in Central and South America. What is going on? Where is it all leading?

Weather Disasters: Why?

Are recent weather catastrophes the fault of "global warming"? Are they random shifts in a long-standing weather pattern? Or is there something more significant behind the increase in severe weather events around our world?

The Pagan Revival

Everyone has heard of Harry Potter. You may even know a few Wiccans who worship "the goddess." Yet few realize that a pagan revival is extending to where you might least expect it—to churches calling themselves "Christian"!
