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Satan's Attack on the Bible

If Satan can destroy countless millions' faith in the Bible, he can much more easily deceive them. Remember, God described Satan as one "who deceives the whole world" (Revelation 12:9). Satan wants to cut people off from the very source by which they could truly understand the great Plan and Purpose their Creator is working out here on earth.

A Return to New Orleans

A year after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast of the United States, people are beginning to rebuild their homes and their lives. What lessons have we learned from the monumental devastation? What lessons should we be learning?

Brooklyn Heights: Dunkirk of the American Revolution

At the dawn of the American Revolution, God intervened in a dramatic way to save General George Washington's army from defeat. If you doubt that God intervenes in history to bring about fulfilled prophecy, the story of Brooklyn Heights may change your mind!

Modern Nations and God's Ancient Plan

Most Bible students do not realize that Scripture mentions today's prominent nations. When you know how to find the United States, Great Britain, Germany and other nations in the pages of your Bible, you can understand prophecy more than ever before!

The Return of Germany

In the last 20 years, dramatic changes have swept across Europe. The Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Germany, came down.
