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Did They Die In Vain?

When nations fight, soldiers die. Is any war worth the cost in human life? The Bible explains why we fight, and what the future will be for those who have given their lives in the service of their country.

European Union: Changes Ahead?

Political changes in Europe will soon affect the whole world—and are foretold in Bible prophecy. Do you know what Christ told His people to watch for as the end of the age approaches?

World Government Is Coming

Around the globe, civil wars and international conflicts continue to bring untold suffering to millions. Humanly devised peace schemes have failed. The United Nations is a laughingstock to most. But Scripture reveals that a coming world government will bring peace to the earth!

Scoffers in the Last Days

Some modern writers and scholars are suggesting that these fundamental teachings of Christianity are only myths and fables. Skeptics have postulated that Jesus was not divine, that He married and had a child—and that He did not rise from the dead, but was secretly buried in a family tomb in Jerusalem with his wife and son. While some speculate that this new "understanding" about Jesus Christ "could be among the most significant in history" (Charlotte Observer, March 4, 2007), what we are witnessing today is simply more prophecy coming alive!

At the Precipice of Economic Collapse

The U.S. government is broke! It must borrow more than $2 billion per day to fund its programs at home and its military operations around the globe. America's trade imbalance is also a huge problem for its economy
