News | Page 429 | Tomorrow's World


Has God "Gone Away"?

Why do some churchgoers fail to recognize the very real God of the Bible, and fail to understand how He is right now causing the fulfillment of specific biblical prophecies that will massively affect our nations and our lives?

A World Without America?

Not only is the U.S. losing its ability to shape world events; the U.S. is being shaped by other nations that are controlling its destiny from abroad.

When Cultures Clash

Is Europe dying? It certainly is not reproducing itself, as birthrates have fallen far below replacement rates. European nations are relying on immigration to fill jobs—and to fill nurseries. What happens when immigrants' values are at odds with their host countries?

National Blindness Prophesied!

Britain's leaders, in their attempts to pull their nation into the European Union, have traded away much of the British gold reserve to Europe, have given up sovereignty over British fishing waters, and have agreed to allow EU laws and courts to override British laws.

"Goodbye" to England?

On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, I was saddened to see how the British people are quietly submitting to the takeover of their once-great nation. Month by month, slowly but surely, it is happening right before their very eyes!
