News | Page 431 | Tomorrow's World


What Is Ahead for America?

Few realize that—partly because of democracy—the U.S. is headed for a financial catastrophe unless major changes occur!

Are We Running Out of Clean Water?

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink."

Does God Guide World Affairs?

Have the Western nations prospered by chance? Has some aspect of their character or environment made the difference? Or is Almighty God working, behind the scenes, to accomplish His purpose?

Jerusalem's Amazing Future!

God inspired the prophet Zechariah to write, more than 2,500 years ago, that "it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces" (Zechariah 12:3). For nearly a century, Jerusalem has fulfilled this prophecy.

Why Atheists?

Why do untold thousands of young people enroll in colleges as believing church members, yet emerge a few years later as secular unbelievers, unsure of God's existence or the Bible's authority? Understanding the genuine answers to these problems will greatly affect your future—and the life of our nations. We must not be afraid to confront the "ultimate questions" such as these!
