News | Page 428 | Tomorrow's World


Sudden Destruction!

What does it take to bring a once-proud military and economic power to its knees? The United States of America—for years the world's "only superpower"—is on the verge of finding out the hard way!

Who Will Rule the Waves?

After centuries of British and American dominance on the seas, new powers are emerging. As the People's Republic of China flexes its growing military muscle, what does this portend for the future of America?

Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose

Do you live in a nation whose people appreciate what God has done for them? Do your neighbors even recognize God's hand in their destiny? God's word shows us that thankfulness is a vital ingredient for national—and individual—success.

Who Are You, Really?

When you look in the mirror, do you see a future son or daughter of God? Most people do not even begin to realize how God is using their history to prepare them for a future more amazing than they could possibly imagine.

Sudden Calamities Ahead!

Why are all these events erupting and converging at the same time. Where is it leading? Why are these calamitous events happening now?
