| Tomorrow's World

What is True Success?

The rewards abounding in our thrill-seeking culture appeal to billions around the world. But what truly defines success? Wealth? Status? Physical pleasure? Most people want success in life. But what is true success, and will you ever achieve it?

How God Intervenes in Human Affairs

Earth-shaking events lie just ahead for the American and British-descended peoples! God is going to humble us through catastrophes, and teach us lessons we could not learn any other way. Can we take steps to stop these catastrophic events from happening?

Europe: 12 Years After the Wall

When Europe's post-World War II order crumbled in 1989, experts were taken by surprise. But students of the Bible had known all along that Germany would be reunited. What does prophecy say?

2001 September-October Issue

Europe: 12 Years After the Wall

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

When Europe's post-World War II order crumbled in 1989, experts were taken by surprise. But students of the Bible had known all along that Germany would be reunited. What does prophecy say?


How God Intervenes in Human Affairs

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Earth-shaking events lie just ahead for the American and British-descended peoples! God is going to humble us through catastrophes, and teach us lessons we could not learn any other way. Can we take steps...


What is True Success?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

The rewards abounding in our thrill-seeking culture appeal to billions around the world. But what truly defines success? Wealth? Status? Physical pleasure? Most people want success in life. But what is true...


The Feminist Mistake

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Women raised on feminism are discovering that its promises remain unfulfilled—and unfulfilling. We need to understand the troubled history of modern feminism, and God's future plan for a world in which true...


Total Surrender

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Do you believe in the true God—the God of the Bible? If so, it is vital that you come to understand the one basic attitude that God looks for in people. What is it?


The Return of Epidemic Disease

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The world is heading toward a public health calamity of disastrous proportions. After declining for nearly a century, age-old plagues have reemerged— with a vengeance—in forms resistant to modern...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: Acts 15 shows that the New Testament Church imposed only four requirements on new Gentile converts: "to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things...


Decline of the West-WHY?

What is happening to the United States, the British-descended peoples and the modern state of Israel? The British Empire is gone, reduced to a fragmenting island on the edge of a merging Europe. The U.S.—the world's only superpower—is being challenged, defied and denounced by nations around the globe...Why is this occurring? Bible prophecy reveals the answer—and surprising facts about the future!
