| Tomorrow's World

The Way to Peace: The Missing Dimension

Why are people—and nations—unable to live together in peace? Why, in our modern, affluent, educated, technologically advanced 21st century is the search for peace—among nations and between individuals—such a difficult and seemingly unattainable goal? Is there something we have overlooked?

2001 November-December Issue

The Way to Peace: The Missing Dimension

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Why are people—and nations—unable to live together in peace? Why, in our modern, affluent, educated, technologically advanced 21st century is the search for peace—among nations and between individuals—such...


Does God Heal TODAY?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Divine healing is a greatly neglected part of Christianity for most. It is rarely discussed in most mainstream churches, because Satan the Devil has blinded the vast majority of humanity—including most...


What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Have you ever wondered whether you have committed the unpardonable sin? Are you wracked with guilt or fear about your own spiritual condition, or the condition of loved ones? Just what is the "unpardonable...


What Is Real Religion?

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

The United States is a religious nation—at least that is what people tell the pollsters. Yet it is also beset with burgeoning moral problems. Divorce, pornography, abortion and violence have all increased...


Kwanzaa, Christmas and God's Word

  • William Bowmer

A December "harvest festival"—Kwanzaa—is gaining popularity in the United States, though some criticize its historicity and substance. But how many realize that God Himself proclaimed a "harvest festival"...


Terrorism: Why?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

As we have explained in previous issues of this magazine, the British-descended and American peoples are descendants of the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes" of Israel. Many do not understand this, but as each...


Significant Religious Trends

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Quietly—yet steadily—developments in the world of religion are demonstrating that Bible prophecies are coming alive today.


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: Is the "gospel" preached by modern Christianity the same gospel Jesus Christ preached and commissioned His New Testament Church to proclaim to the world?



The Return of Epidemic Disease

The world is heading toward a public health calamity of disastrous proportions. After declining for nearly a century, age-old plagues have reemerged— with a vengeance—in forms resistant to modern antibiotics!

Total Surrender

Do you believe in the true God—the God of the Bible? If so, it is vital that you come to understand the one basic attitude that God looks for in people. What is it?

The Feminist Mistake

Women raised on feminism are discovering that its promises remain unfulfilled—and unfulfilling. We need to understand the troubled history of modern feminism, and God's future plan for a world in which true values will make today's feminism obsolete.
