| Tomorrow's World

Terrorism: Why?

As we have explained in previous issues of this magazine, the British-descended and American peoples are descendants of the so-called "Lost Ten Tribes" of Israel. Many do not understand this, but as each year unfolds this understanding will become more and more important.

Kwanzaa, Christmas and God's Word

A December "harvest festival"—Kwanzaa—is gaining popularity in the United States, though some criticize its historicity and substance. But how many realize that God Himself proclaimed a "harvest festival" and that the most widely observed December festival—Christmas—is no more biblical than Kwanzaa?

What Is Real Religion?

The United States is a religious nation—at least that is what people tell the pollsters. Yet it is also beset with burgeoning moral problems. Divorce, pornography, abortion and violence have all increased dramatically in recent decades. Does the religion we practice really square with what the Bible teaches?

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?

Have you ever wondered whether you have committed the unpardonable sin? Are you wracked with guilt or fear about your own spiritual condition, or the condition of loved ones? Just what is the "unpardonable sin"? If you are worried about this question, God's Word can give you great comfort.

Does God Heal TODAY?

Divine healing is a greatly neglected part of Christianity for most. It is rarely discussed in most mainstream churches, because Satan the Devil has blinded the vast majority of humanity—including most professing Christians! What does the Bible actually say about healing? We can understand divine healing—very clearly—from the inspired Word of God!
