| Tomorrow's World

The Future of Britain?

A recent Economist article entitled “Little England or Great Britain?”  suggests that Britain faces two choices: to either rebuild its greatness or continue its decline on the world scene (November 9, 2013). Coming events that will impact this future include: the vote on Scottish independence in 2014, a British referendum on EU membership in 2017, along with immigration and other issues (ibid.).

What Holds the Universe Together?

Only recently have astrophysicists been able to offer a substantial hypothesis as to what it is that holds the universe together and keeps it from flying apart. Yet you do not have to be a physicist to know the simple answer!

Children in Understanding?

As a little boy was walking to school with his mother, he kept turning around and looking back. His mother asked him what he was doing. He said he was looking for “Shirley Goodness and Murphy, who would follow him all the days of his life.” The little boy had not quite understood the words of Psalms 23, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

Who's tempting whom?

Are you a man? Are you plagued with battling vivacious visages of semi-clad women so common in modern-day marketing and entertainment? If so, lend me your undivided attention! If you are struggling with the secret seduction of viewing pornography and want help to conquer this societal scourge – read on!

Putin and Merkel: World’s Most Powerful People.

According to a Forbes magazine ranking, “Russian leader Vladimir Putin has trumped US President Barack Obama as the most powerful man in the world, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel retains her title as the world’s most powerful woman” (EU Observer, October 31, 2013).
