| Tomorrow's World

Jews to Pray on the Temple Mount?

“An Israeli parliamentary committee held a heated debate Monday on whether to begin allowing Jews to pray on what they call the Temple Mount, the compound housing [the] Al-Aqsa mosque” (Agence France-Presse, November 4, 2013). The meeting was repeatedly interrupted by Arabs and resulted in no progress.

Persevere in Prayer

Do you know what it takes to be sure that your prayers are heard? Are you receiving the answers you want and need? Your Bible reveals powerful strategies that can revolutionize your prayers!

"A Game of Chance"

Millions of men and women spend untold hours in glitzy main halls of casinos, while many others play "friendly" games of "nickel" poker, gathered around octagon tables. Still others indulge in office sports pools, all the while hoping to cash in on the losses of others.

Will YOU Recognize the Antichrist?

Scripture foretells of a mysterious "Antichrist" that will rise up at the end of this age and bring about the fulfillment of events prophesied long ago. Many will follow this Antichrist. Will you? How can you be sure you will not be deceived?

In Search of Success

Everyone wants to be successful, but what is success? For some it is “getting ahead” or “climbing the corporate ladder.” For others it is accumulating money - lots of money! But whatever one’s definition of success, there seems to be a link or connection between success and what we think of as happiness. The Bible reveals the way to true success and lasting happiness.
