| Tomorrow's World

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for the July-August 2013 magazine with the cover article, “Your Glorious Destiny Beyond Death.” I immediately sat down to read it because I disagree with the same-sex marriages, and I’m so appalled that others have changed their minds to agree with them. God bless you all. Keep up the good work for God. May He continually bless you all with strength, courage and health in doing His Work. I’ve enjoyed all magazines that you sent to me.

P. P., Chicago, IL

From Kalaymyo to Yangon!

This is part two of my report about my recent trip from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to serve our Christian brothers and sisters in this remote nation. The brethren and I all appreciated Presiding Evangelist Roderick Meredith and Evangelist Bruce Tyler for their support for the brethren there and for their support for me to make this needed trip. The trip was encouraging to me and you may also be interested in learning a little more about how God is providing for His people in this remote but beautiful country. For the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in Myanmar, I cannot share the names of these wonderful men and women in this report.

North America's Worsening Drought

The state of Texas is fast becoming the United States' poster child for drought of "biblical" proportions. Austin—the state's capital—and nearby San Antonio have in the last 22 months experienced the driest weather on record since the extraordinary drought that occurred in 1954–56. People's lives and livelihoods are being devastated, and billions of dollars have been lost.

Easter’s Five Fatal Flaws

Do you unknowingly worship a false Jesus? Do you plan to participate in Easter sunrise worship services this year, which are rooted in what your Bible calls “abominable” paganism? If you really love Jesus, you should not.

Can You Make Joy a Habit?

You've undoubtedly heard the adage: "We're all creatures of habit." What about you? Are you experiencing joy from positive, quality, healthy habits that bring happiness to your life? Or, are you trapped by vicious negative habits and destructive behaviors that rob you of a joy-filled life? Do you want to change? There is hope! God has given you free moral agency—you have the power to choose to change. Read on and learn how.
