| Tomorrow's World

2015 July-August Issue

Churchill: A Lifetime of Leadership

  • John Meakin

Fifty years after his death, and 70 years after he led Britain to victory in World War II, Churchill's legacy still looms large. What can we learn from this remarkable man?


Which Church Should You Attend?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Are you attending "the church of your choice"? Is this just a matter of personal preference, or did Jesus Christ give clear guidelines for the Church that His people would attend?


The Truth About Hell

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Are billions burning forever in eternal torment because they were born in the wrong place or time? Yes, there is a hell—and hellfire—but the truth is not what most imagine!


I, Human?

  • William Williams

In our high-tech world, do human beings really understand their true potential?


Shades of Grey or Living Color?

  • Jonathan McNair

How can anyone explain the popularity of the recent bestseller book series, Fifty Shades of Grey, and the subsequent movie? Though the books and movie portray a value system that would seem alien...


Seventy Years After VE Day: Unity Lost?

  • Simon R. D. Roberts

On May 8, 1945, millions of civilians and armed forces personnel exuberantly celebrated on the streets of London. After years of nightly blackouts to lessen the threat of bombing raids, public buildings...


Does "Going to Church" Really Matter?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Are you a "stay-at-home Christian"? Maybe you are one of the many millions who, having seen the divisions and confusions among so much of professing Christianity, would rather stay at home to worship God in...


Forgotten Lessons

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Many people today are concerned that world events are heading in a dangerous direction. Spreading violence, global brutality and widespread corruption in governments and society dominate the news....


Evolution and Tolerance

  • Gerald E. Weston

Canada prides itself on being a tolerant and diverse country. But is it diverse enough to accept those who do not believe in the theory of evolution? Notice this recent news report:


The Human Eye: Window of the Mind

  • Wallace G. Smith

Every image of every moment we witness throughout our lives will be collected for our appreciation by two small miracles from God we can too easily take for granted: our amazing eyes. Have you...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

If you give it all away, how can you be a generous giver?


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Thanks very much for the books and the magazines. Where will I start or how will I start to appreciate how much your publications have blessed me and people around me? You see the things that are happening...


How Will Same-Sex “Marriage” Affect You?

Many predicted it would happen, but few were ready for how it would really feel to so many Americans. The Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex “marriage” is to be legal throughout the United States, joining another 20-or-so countries where it is already legal in one form or another. But what does this mean to you? Indeed, if you are a man married to a woman, or a woman married to a man, why should this mean anything to you? You may be surprised.

Sacred Names—Obeying Jesus Christ or Following "Traditions of Men"?

Many people sincerely believe that, to honor God, they must pronounce His name in a certain way. But is that what Scripture really teaches? To answer this question, it is helpful to ask another question: Do we obey Jesus Christ, or do we follow the traditions of men?

Mexico Joins the Same-Sex-Marriage Club!

“Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled that governments throughout the country should grant legal recognition to same-sex marriage. The court’s June 19 decision was based on the finding that procreation is not an essential purpose of marriage. The court found, on that basis, that all state laws restricting marriage to male-female couples were unconstitutional” (Catholic World News, June 22, 2015).

Heat-Related Deaths in Pakistan

“Pakistan’s PM Nawaz Sharif has called for emergency measures as the death toll from a heatwave in southern Sindh province reached nearly 700.
