| Tomorrow's World

Just How Will It All End?

Hollywood directors, neighborhood movie theatres and sci-fi authors have for many years, with spectacular visuals, shown us dramatic theories on how society as we know it will end. A team of scientists from Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute and the Global Challenges Foundation, after researching the topic, even established a list of twelve possible ways that human civilization will end.

One for All

The Musketeers lived by the famous motto: “All for one, and one for all!” It embodied their everyday actions.

What is our motto as Christian women? What is the standard by which we live our lives? Can we apply “all for one, one for all?” Have any of us experienced the feeling of being the last one chosen for the team, of consistently not being included in activities, or of not being reached out to when we needed a listening ear—the feeling of being left out?

Letters to the Editor

Thanks very much for the books and the magazines. Where will I start or how will I start to appreciate how much your publications have blessed me and people around me? You see the things that are happening around the world, many people see it just as random events and conflict but the Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ's Return booklet really polished my understandings and opened my eyes to discover new things.

T. I., Limbe, Cameroon

Questions and Answers

If you give it all away, how can you be a generous giver?

Does "Going to Church" Really Matter?

Are you a "stay-at-home Christian"? Maybe you are one of the many millions who, having seen the divisions and confusions among so much of professing Christianity, would rather stay at home to worship God in your own way. For the world's churches are almost entirely teaching a message diametrically opposed in important ways to the real message of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
