| Tomorrow's World

Evolution and Tolerance

Canada prides itself on being a tolerant and diverse country. But is it diverse enough to accept those who do not believe in the theory of evolution? Notice this recent news report:

I, Human?

In our high-tech world, do human beings really understand their true potential?

The Truth About Hell

Are billions burning forever in eternal torment because they were born in the wrong place or time? Yes, there is a hell—and hellfire—but the truth is not what most imagine!

Which Church Should You Attend?

Are you attending "the church of your choice"? Is this just a matter of personal preference, or did Jesus Christ give clear guidelines for the Church that His people would attend?

Churchill: A Lifetime of Leadership

Fifty years after his death, and 70 years after he led Britain to victory in World War II, Churchill's legacy still looms large. What can we learn from this remarkable man?
