| Tomorrow's World

Resurgence of Historic Diseases

“Victorian age” diseases such as tuberculosis, scarlet fever, scurvy and cholera, once thought to have been eradicated, are making a comeback. According to a report by the National Health Service in the UK, “there has been a 300% increase in instances of cholera in the last 5 years, a 38% rise in scurvy and 136% rise in scarlet fever” (The Times Gazette, December 26, 2015). Tuberculosis “caused more deaths during 2015 than AIDS and HIV together.

ISIS Trafficking Human Organs?

According to a document obtained in a raid in Syria by U.S. Special Forces, “Islamic State has sanctioned the harvesting of human organs in a previously undisclosed ruling by the group’s Islamic scholars, raising concerns that the violent extremist group may be trafficking in body parts” (Reuters, December 25, 2015). The translated report states: “The apostate’s life and organs don’t have to be respected and may be taken with impunity… The removal of that type is...

Letters to the Editor

I would like to thank the Creator God and am grateful for how He inspired you to provide a very detailed answer to the question about "spiritual communism" in the "Questions and Answers" section of your July-August 2015 issue. You have expounded the truth about the matter with scriptural links to support your explanations. I also appreciate Richard F. Ames' article on "The Truth About Hell" in the same issue. It is well written and presented, very clear. Thank you to all writers and editors of the TW. May God bless this work right to the return of Christ and beyond!

Questions and Answers

There is a weekly test that is not just for schoolchildren!

Will You Resolve to Persevere?

How many years begin with lofty hopes for world peace, prosperity and cooperation among nations? Yet it was historians Will and Ariel Durant who famously pointed out that in 3,400 years of recorded human history, only 268 found the civilized world entirely without conflicts between nations, kingdoms and governments.  For 92 percent of human history, some part of the world has been at war. In the 20th century alone, more than 100 million people died as a direct result of war, and estimates of war deaths throughout human history rise as high as 1 billion.
