| Tomorrow's World

Things Kept Secret

We would all like to know the future—what is going to happen to us and our family. Movies are made on that premise of avoiding terrifying events, destruction, and death. But terrifying events, destruction, and death are coming in the very near future! We can know what is coming and how to avoid it!

Herbert W. Armstrong Remembered

As many of you may remember, January 16 is the 30th anniversary of the death of Herbert W. Armstrong. It is very helpful, I feel, to remember that Christ used this man—human as he was—more than anyone we know of for the last several hundred years. A number of us in this Work had the privilege of working with him closely for decades. It was a privilege that we will never forget.

Welcoming Lucifer into Our Homes

The FOX network will launch a new drama this month, called “Lucifer.” And yes, it is about the fallen angel returning to earth from the depths of hell. The drama focuses on his supernatural powers and makes this cunning playboy into a likeable, dashingly handsome guy with redeeming qualities (FOX.com).

Saudi Arabia and Iranian Rift Deepens

“Almost 1,400 years have passed since the first battles broke out within the Muslim world between the inheritors of the Prophet Muhammad, which led to the schism between Shiites and Sunnis, and it seems little has changed” between the two sects of Islam (The Times of Israel, January 4, 2016).

Will the EU Come Apart?

The declining global economy, an exploding immigration crisis and ongoing terrorism have put tremendous pressure on the EU.
