| Tomorrow's World

Learning to Trust God

I knew that my spiritual life was failing because my Bible study and prayer life were being severely compromised. Though I knew this, it had not really sunk in how serious it was until I was counseling for baptism with a minister in my church. I was going to college, broke and living in an apartment with three other roommates who had no regard for God. I worked at a fast food restaurant, and because the job did not pay much, I worked as many hours as I could possibly get.

Germany To Command Dutch Military Units

Europe’s long-term goal of a European Army is gaining momentum. “The German and Dutch armies and navies are poised to ‘merge’, creating the nucleus of the European Union’s longed for pan-EU military force… The German government has revealed that Dutch and German land armies and navies are set to move towards ‘closer integration’, with two Dutch units already coming under German command.

Apocalyptic Prediction by the UN

“Robert Glasser, the special representative of the secretary general for disaster risk reduction [of the United Nations], said that with the world already ‘falling short’ in its response to humanitarian emergencies, things would only get worse as climate change adds to the pressure... He also predicted a rise in the number of simultaneous disasters. ‘As the odds of any one event go up, the odds of two happening at the same time are more likely.

Attempted Sacrifice on Temple Mount

“Police detained seven Jewish men suspected of planning to sacrifice goats in the Old City of Jerusalem on Friday in honor of the Passover holiday… Two of the young men were picked up on Friday morning on their way to carry out the sacrifice” (Times of Israel, April 22, 2016).
