| Tomorrow's World

"Impossible is Nothing"

When I learned of the death of famous boxer Muhammad Ali, my mind immediately began to recall some of his most famous words and victories. Though Ali was not a Christian, one of his quotes helped me both in and beyond my academic pursuits.

"Training" Towards Challenges

Barreling towards the minivan that has just stalled on the tracks, a train is moments away from destructive collision. The minivan driver jumps out to make a run for her life. Which direction should she run to avoid the inevitable flying debris of the soon-coming impact?

Canada Legalizes Sex with Animals

“Canada’s highest court has just ruled that some sex acts between humans and animals are legal” (Breitbart.com, June 16, 2016). While the actions approved in this case are limited, opponents worry about the abuse of animals and humans that can result because of this ruling (ibid.).

Fear, Hatred, and Death

Recent U.S. police shootings of young black men in routine situations has enflamed emotions and hatred and generated a vicious cycle that feeds on itself. Young black men are fearful of police brutality and are increasingly carrying weapons for self-protection.

Destruction in China and Taiwan

Typhoon Nepartak left destruction in its wake as it plowed through China and Taiwan last week. Nearly 200 people were killed in China, 50,000 homes collapsed and over 1.6 million people were displaced (Telegraph, July 7, 2016).
