| Tomorrow's World

Letters to the Editor

Please remove me from your mailing list. In your Jan-Feb magazine, "The Value of Competitive Sports" is so far from God's truth. Today's NCAA and the sin of professional athletics is premised on pride and arrogance which God hates and calls evil. There is nothing wrong with playing sports to stay in shape, but to stay in shape to play the sport is sin. Just like learning boxing to defend yourself and your family is honorable; to box to beat-up someone else for money is wrong!

Are You Responsive to Jesus Christ?

By the time you read this magazine, I trust that most of you have received the special "semi-annual" letter from our Editor in Chief, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. Twice a year, he writes to Tomorrow's World subscribers with special "insider" news about the Work and about what the living Jesus Christ is doing in our world as we approach the end of this present age. Despite so many Satanic attacks on long-held biblical values, true Christians can remain loyal and faithful to their Savior, responding to Him with love and obedience, made possible by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus stated in John 10:27, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

The Tireless Human Heart

It is not very large—in fact, it is only a little larger than your closed fist. Yet its small size belies the unique and vital role it plays in your life. Indeed, without it you would have no life at all! Hour by hour, minute by minute and even second by second, you depend on it utterly, yet unless there is something wrong with it we often fail to give it a second thought.

The Rise of World Religions

Why is the world filled with different religions? What is the source of these divergent views that have persisted down through the ages? The Bible offers an informative perspective that is largely ignored today, providing unique answers to these puzzling questions.


The ever-increasing use of social networking and electronic devices continues to raise concerns, not about how much we are communicating with each other, but how we are communicating with each other, and how our chosen forms of communication may be reducing the quality of our relationships.
