| Tomorrow's World

God Did NOT Say "Be My Valentine!"

The sign in a church yard caught my eye as I drove by: “XOXOXOXO Be my Valentine. Love, God.”

X’s and O’s are commonly used to represent “kisses” and “hugs” when writing romantic notes. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday for some, but to most it is secular—a day of romance, exchanging cards expressing love, and giving gifts of chocolates and flowers.

Canada’s Widespread Use of Marijuana

The Canadian Bureau of Statistics recently reported that “Canadians spent $6.2bn (£3.5bn) on marijuana in 2015, almost as much as they did on wine”—and this was when marijuana was illegal (The Independent, December 20, 2017). According to this report, about 13 percent of the entire population reported consuming marijuana in 2015, with two-thirds of users being over the age 25.

The “German Problem” Again

A recent article in the French independent newspaper Le Monde diplomatique stated, “An old nightmare returns in Europe; Germany alone within the EU” (January 2018). The article highlighted how several Central European nations continue to distance themselves from Germany and Brussels based on German-initiated policies driving the EU.

What Is the Greatest Love?

How do we show love to God?  How do we show love to each other?  The Bible is a book of love.  The Bible explains that love is defined by the way we treat and react to others.  It’s not how we feel, but what we do.  It’s never self-centered.  Love is outgoing concern and it requires action.


Hope for the Next Generation

There is a crisis in the churches of our day.  Young people are leaving in record numbers.  Hundreds of thousands of young adults are giving up on God and Christianity.  Why?  Was this prophesied?  What are the reasons?  What is a true Christian?  And what is true Christianity?
