What human reasoning and the new morality teach about marriage is not good for marriage, for children, or for your health. This is demonstrated by much contemporary research. Marriage is an honorable institution, created by God and the Bible has wonderful instruction to help make your marriage better!
President Trump drew harsh criticism when he announced the U.S. would move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the “capital of Israel.” World reaction was clear: “A UN security council resolution calling for the withdrawal of Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been backed by every council member except the US, which used its veto….
Millions of Christians believe that at any moment they may be “raptured away” as Christ takes them to heaven before the terrors of the Great Tribulation. But is this idea of a secret Rapture true? Is the Rapture taught by the Bible? Watch this telecast if you want to know the truth about the Rapture.
As I watched a news report about yet another male public figure fall to accusations of sexual misconduct, I paused to wonder about where these scandals lead. But more importantly, where do they start?
In a few hours, the world will celebrate New Year’s Day, and many people will be drunk on these occasions—“just for fun.” But sometimes, the consequences are not so funny. Many people get headaches. Quarrels arise among friends and families. Others will end the night at the hospital—and some will “finish the party” at the mortuary because they died in a car accident caused by driving under the influence of alcohol.