| Tomorrow's World

A Look at Betrayal

Some names live in infamy. The memory and names of those individuals have been seared into the historical fabric of the countries and cultures in which they did treacherous deeds. It seems that no country or region has lacked ignominious characters whose names have become reviled. In the United States, the name of Benedict Arnold—the general who, greedy for recognition and money, treacherously betrayed General George Washington and the fledgling Colonial States of America during the Revolutionary War—still is used as a synonym for traitor.

Go to Church and Live Longer!

Multiple research studies now show that those who regularly attend church services are healthier and live longer. A 2016 JAMA Internal Medicine study reported that “women who went to any kind of religious service more than once a week had a 33% lower chance than their secular peers of dying during the 16-year study-follow-up period” (Time, February 15, 2018).

Iran-Israel Tension Grows!

The increasing rhetoric and military actions in Syria have “intensified fears that the Middle East is heading for all-out war”—although few think all-out war will become a reality (The Guardian, February 17, 2018).

Mass Murder Madness

Another mass murder took place, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14. Expelled student Nikolas Cruz entered the building, killing at least 17 and injuring many others. The question everyone always wants to know is “Why?”

The Parkland community is no doubt stunned and bewildered, as is the rest of the nation watching the sickening news reports. Decades ago, I would have used the word “shocking,” but sadly it isn’t shocking anymore, because it has been happening all too frequently.

Tame the Social Media Monster!

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like were supposed to bring all of us together. Instead, they are dividing our society and reshaping our minds.
