| Tomorrow's World

Insects Are Disappearing!

God created insects as powerful and integral elements of the earth’s ecosystems. Insects pollinate plants, act as food for other creatures, help dead matter decompose, and help keep certain animal populations in check. A new study suggests that within the next few decades we could see the extinction of over 40 percent of insect species around the globe (Deutsche Welle, February 11, 2019).

Nuclear-Armed India and Pakistan Clash

Last week Pakistan claimed to have shot down two of India’s military jets and captured one pilot, increasing the friction between these two nuclear powers. In turn, India demanded the return of its pilot, confirming the loss of its MiG-21 fighter jet. The confrontation is over the disputed territory of Kashmir. Since their independence from Britain in 1947, the two nations have fought three wars, two of which were over this single piece of land. Tensions have risen over the past few years.

Regrets in Life

By the time we become adults, we have all done things we regret. Some regrets may be from childhood, with the only consequence being our embarrassment when they are humorously recounted at family gatherings. But even minor regrets may make us mentally uncomfortable when called to our remembrance. What is the purpose of regretful feelings?

Why Observe Easter? The Hunt for the Truth

Why Observe Easter? The Hunt for the Truth

Millions all over the world claim to observe the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter. But does this holiday truly honor the Son of God? You need to know the truth.

The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

The Devil’s Deadly Deceptions

Satan is the most deceptive being in the universe. Most of the world is under his sway! How can you recognize his lies and escape them?
