| Tomorrow's World

How Much Is Enough?

It is interesting how most people profess to know that money does not make happiness, but they live as though they believe just the opposite. Some have far more than they need, but sadly, they think they need more and are never satisfied. The more they have, the more they want. What is the biblical solution?

The Easter Controversy

Every year professing Christians celebrate the holiday known as Easter, but few have any understanding of its true origins. How does a day supposedly picturing the resurrection of Jesus Christ come to be known by the name of a pagan goddess, Ishtar? Why do people use colored eggs laid by rabbits in celebrating Christ’s resurrection? You need to know the shocking origins of this day!

Ebola Can Be Prevented

As of the recording of this program another deadly outbreak of Ebola is ravaging parts of Central and West Africa and there is some fear that it could spread to other parts of the world. Ebola is one of the deadliest known viruses to man, killing somewhere between 30 and 60% of its victims, depending on the specific strain. Discover the biblical solution to Ebola and other contagious diseases!

Will You Escape the Day of the LORD?

Prophets, astrologers, and seers have predicted the end of the world. And we have not believed them. But scientists, such as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, also warn of cosmic catastrophes! These scientists have set the symbolic Doomsday Clock to two minutes before midnight! The Day of the Lord prophesied in your Bible is surely coming on planet Earth. Will you escape the Day of the Lord? You can, if you follow the instructions in your Bible.

The Big Reveal

A “big reveal” is popular today for expectant parents to reveal the gender of their baby to excited family and friends. Mystery stories and movies also employ a “big reveal” at a crucial time in the story to maintain interest. The Bible also contains very interesting and captivating “big reveals.”

Expectant parents are excited to find out their baby’s gender—boy or a girl. Some parents are very creative in the method they choose to disclose their baby’s gender, but it often involves using the traditional blue for a boy or pink for a girl (and those are the only two genders).
