An “ism” is a philosophy, social or political ideology, movement, or religion. The list of philosophies and religions is exhaustive, leaving the distinct impression that mankind is utterly dazed and confused about what life's purpose is, which choices and actions are right and which are wrong, and whether there is a God. What is your “ism?” Whose “ism” is the correct one?
“The Lord’s Prayer” is familiar to many, but how many who repeat it understand what they are actually praying? The prayer may be found in two different New Testament passages. Both accounts need to be compared if we seek a proper understanding of it.
Question: I was baptized years ago, so at first, when your magazine and your telecast talked about the need for baptism, I assumed it did not apply to me. Now, after reading your literature, I am beginning to wonder whether I was properly baptized. How can I know?