Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist) | Tomorrow's World

Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

A Lesson From My Dog

Dog with head turned sideways white background

Sometimes, we need to listen to our four-legged friends.

A Light to My Path and a Lesson from a Dog

There are times when I think that my dog may be smarter than I am. I believe that most dog owners feel this way at some point. This thought occurred to me on an evening when she helped teach me a valuable life lesson.

COVID-19 and Redeeming the Time

Every spring break, I take the time to work on a home-improvement project. This year, it was renovating my bathroom. Since I work for the school system, spring break is a great time to do these projects, because I don’t have to go to work and my kid spends the week at his grandmother’s house. However, something strange occurred that threw a wrench in that plan this year: COVID-19. With everything shutting down and the economy uncertain, we agreed that the expense of renovating our already-functional bathroom was a little frivolous and possibly irresponsible.

The "This Is Us" Effect

“Toxic masculinity” or masculine leadership?
