| Tomorrow's World

Disney and Demons

Disney, a name once associated with wholesome family entertainment, is moving in a more ominous direction. One of the Disney Channel’s newest animated series is called The Owl House.

Dangerous Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Concern is growing in China about thousands of cases of a new coronavirus. These infections include flu-like symptoms that can lead to pneumonia and even death (The Guardian, January 16, 2020). The Chinese city of Wuhan (about the size of London with a population of 11 million) is the epicenter of the viral outbreak.

The End of Failure

A major railroad in the United States had a sign posted near the entrance of its expansive repair facility, where it maintained the rolling stock of the railway. The sign read, “Every accident is a result of the failure of man, methods, or material.

Recognizing Idolatry Today

The idea that modern society is influenced by idolatry seems ludicrous. Surely, most educated people have moved beyond behaviors that involve paganism—haven’t they? Hasn’t scientific progress liberated people from ancient superstition?

You may think, “This is a pretty safe subject for me. I’m certainly not influenced by idolatry!” Don’t be too sure. The Bible makes it obvious that idolatry dogs mankind’s heels in every age.

Positive Effects of Parenthood

Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley recently reviewed data on over one million babies born in Washington state between 1996 and 2009. Study findings revealed that “when women become pregnant, they are much less likely to be arrested, for a wide range of crimes” (The Economist, January 3, 2020).
