| Tomorrow's World

Bunnies, eggs, and… Jesus Christ’s resurrection?

Questions and Answers Article Image

Question: How do colorful eggs and bunny rabbits relate to Christ’s death and resurrection?

Answer: Anyone familiar with biology can quickly recognize that rabbits do not lay eggs. What do those symbols have in common? Rabbits are noted for their proclivity to reproduce quickly, and eggs are considered a symbol of fertility.

God’s Creative Power Behind the Brainless Genius of the Sponge

God’s Creative Power Behind the Brainless Genius of the Sponge Article Image

Most of us think of sponges as everyday household items. Their softness and absorbency make them versatile tools for cleaning our bodies, floors, and dishes, and for applying paint to our walls. Although the sponges we use today are likely to be made of synthetic materials, for most of human history we harvested our sponges from the oceans—the dried bodies of aquatic invertebrates.

"Clean Up Your Mess!": Raising Responsible Children

"Clean Up Your Mess!": Raising Responsible Children Article Image

Let’s be honest with ourselves: We’ve all heard it from our parents in one form or another. How many times did your mother tell you, “Clean up your mess”?

Does God Exist? How Can You Know?

Does God Exist? How Can You Know? Article Image

In a secular world full of skeptics, is God relevant anymore? Is He an obsolete idea, or a living Creator with whom you can have a real relationship? The good news is that God is not just real—He is alive, and He is waiting for you to make contact with Him!

The Declaration of Arbroath and Brexit

Ever since the Acts of Union in 1707 brought the kingdoms of Scotland and England together as Great Britain, Scotland has borne a somewhat strained relationship with her more powerful neighbour to the south. In 2007, when the Scottish National Party (SNP) came to power in the Parliament of Scotland, voices increased their calls for independence from the rest of the United Kingdom. The recent general election in December 2019, when the SNP won 48 out of the 59 Scottish seats in the UK Parliament, has emboldened those pressing to leave.
