| Tomorrow's World

COVID-19 and Prophecy

News of the coronavirus is everywhere. Governments are closing borders, air travel is being restricted, schools are being closed, workers are being sent home, and people are being confined to their homes. While many are fearful and others might be wondering if this is the end of the world, what does the Bible say—and not say?

Can You Walk in Jesus' Footsteps?

We have all delightfully and amusedly watched little children trying to learn to walk. They take a few short jerky steps, lose their balance, and plop down on their bottom. We call them toddlers because they have not yet mastered the art of walking. To toddle means to move about with unsteady steps.

God Heals—But the Bible Also Teaches Us to Fight Disease!

Every year, especially during the “flu season,” millions of people come down with a host of preventable diseases like colds, influenza, and various respiratory infections. Most of these are considered “common” illnesses and are not as impactful as unusual outbreaks in years past of diseases like SARS and Swine Flu, not to mention the ongoing struggles with MRSA and, at the time of the initial publication of this article, the major pandemic of coronavirus—which continues to shape policy and global response.

Another Refugee Crisis in Europe?

The civil war in Syria has pushed 3.5 million refugees into Turkey. With intensified fighting in Syria, Turkey can no longer handle or afford the volume of refugees. As a result, Turkey is releasing refugees into Europe through the “gateway” of Greece (Politico, March 5, 2020).

World Markets Falling

Trade and travel restrictions associated with the coronavirus are negatively impacting global financial markets (Reuters, March 8, 2020). Stock markets around the world, including in the United States, have been spiraling down for the past several weeks as fear of the virus spreads. And now, as oil prices drop, markets continue to be affected.
