| Tomorrow's World

Greece to Build Up Military

Tensions are growing between Turkey and Greece, fed in part by Turkey’s energy exploration in Greek territorial waters. In response to Turkey’s actions, Greece is looking to increase its military arsenal (Politico, September 14, 2020). “Despite the deep recession caused by the coronavirus crisis and a rising budget deficit, Athens has decided it’s time to act.

Fires Scorch Western U.S.

Massive forest fires are burning across the western United States. From California up to Washington and from the western coast inland to Wyoming and Colorado, multiple fires have burned millions of acres so far this year (The New York Times, September 11, 2020). As one official put it, “[It’s] becoming sad that every year we’re having this conversation. We say this is the biggest year, and then the next year say this is the biggest year.

Evolution: A Whale of a Tale

Are whales truly a testament to the validity of random evolution, or to God's hand in creation? Learn what science and your Bible have to say on the matter. Tune in to discover the truth.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Monster or Miracle?

Whales are among the most magnificent of earth’s creatures. Massive and majestic, they rule the oceans and inspire us to consider the wonder of life. Yet, many evolutionists claim that whales also provide powerful evidence for evolution—celebrated as clear examples of how life was not created by God, but rather evolved slowly over millions of years.

Is this claim true? Join us now on Tomorrow’s World, where we’ll take a close look at this whale of a tale.

Where Did Whales Come From?

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World! On behalf of myself and the crew behind the scenes, we’re delighted you’re here.

On today’s program, we’ll zoom in on one of the most popular icons of Darwinian evolution. We’ll also offer you the opportunity to request a free copy of one of our most thorough resources, Evolution and Creation: What Both Sides Miss. Be sure to watch for the information you need to get your free copy.

Some of the most famous words ever written are, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

The theory of evolution offers a different tale, of course. According to Neo-Darwinian evolution, life began as a microscopic organism—much like the simplest bacteria we find today. (It’s best not to ask where the bacteria came from.) This bacterium would experience small, random, genetic mutations as it reproduced itself. Most mutations would harm its offspring, but a small percentage would benefit it, so that it survived longer or reproduced more successfully. In this process, Charles Darwin suggested that nature rewards some random changes and punishes others. The theory of evolution proposes that these unguided processes accumulated changes over a few billion years that turned that initial bacterium into the vast variety of lifeforms we see today…millions of species of every shape, color, and size. Life, in ALL of its MARVELOUS COMPLEXITY, all from one simple organism, due to nothing but random, undirected processes—no intelligent Creator necessary.

Certainly, it is quite a tale! Frankly, given life’s complexity, it seems quite a leap of faith.

Does the evidence justify the leap?

Darwinists CLAIM much evidence, and today’s free offer dives deeply into many of those claims. But for today’s brief program, we’ll examine one considered a crown jewel in evolution’s case—a masterpiece thought to be an undeniable example of God-less evolution in action.

Enter, the whale! These magnificent creatures stir imaginations with their majestic appearance, their graceful motion beneath the waves, and their sheer power. Whales exist in wonderful variety in our oceans, and, as the largest animals on earth, they are a sight to behold.

AND evolutionists present WHALES as some of their best evidence that life has evolved. Here’s why.

According to evolution, as animals evolve over millions of years into NEW and DIFFERENT animals, they leave numerous TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS demonstrating that change. Embarrassingly, the potential transitional fossils that HAVE BEEN found are FAR FEWER than what SHOULD BE FOUND if evolution is TRUE.

But evolutionists believe WHALES are exceptions. Fossils appearing to illustrate whale evolution parade through textbooks and popular writings. As evolutionist and author Jerry Coyne writes,

“But we don’t have to imagine how whales evolved…. Whales happen to have an excellent fossil record, courtesy of their aquatic habits and robust, easily fossilized bones. And how they evolved has emerged within only the last twenty years. This is one of our BEST examples of an evolutionary transition, since we have a chronologically ordered series of fossils, perhaps a lineage of ancestors and descendants, showing their movement from land to water” (Jerry Coyne, Why Evolution Is True, 2009, p. 52).

Let’s look at this supposed evolutionary lineage. While some depictions include additional species, this diagram gives a good representative idea. Using the general timeline evolutionists claim,

  • Around 52 to 48 million years ago, we see Pakicetus. Complete skeletons are rare, but fossils suggest Pakicetus was a four-legged land mammal a bit like a wolf, only one to two meters long.
  • Next stop, 48 to 41 million years ago—a creature labeled Ambulocetus, which means “walking whale.” Ambulocetus was larger than its supposed ancestor Pakicetus, but still mostly land-based.
  • Next, we see Rodhocetus 47 to 40 million years ago, showing features that would have benefitted the creature in moving through water.
  • Finally, arriving at 40 [to 34] million years ago, we find remains of 50-foot long Basilosaurus and smaller Dorudon—fully aquatic animals like today’s whales, spending no time on land.

This fossil sequence—elongating bodies, limbs becoming flippers, nostrils moving around on the skull—is considered some of evolution’s best evidence—taking us from wolf-sized, land-dwelling Pakicetus, to whale-sized, sea-loving Basilosaurus. In fact, paleontologist and evolutionist Stephen Jay Gould once wrote,

“This sequential discovery of picture-perfect intermediacy in the evolution of whales stands as a TRIUMPH in the history of paleontology. I CANNOT IMAGINE a BETTER TALE for popular presentation of science, or a more satisfying, and intellectually based, political victory over lingering creationist opposition” (Stephen Jay Gould, “Hooking Leviathan by its past,” Natural History, May 1994, pp. 8–14).

It IS quite a tale! But is it true? Is this collection of creatures really the pristine example of evolution many claim it as? Or do problems swim beneath the surface? We’ll dive into details in a moment.

A Fictional Journey

We’ve discussed the celebrated sequence of fossils that evolutionists point to as “picture-perfect” evidence for whale evolution.

But is it? Is the tale created using these fossils true, or just a fish story?

As explained more deeply in today’s free resource, part of the challenge is that evolution tends to be ASSUMED FROM THE BEGINNING, and then that ASSUMPTION is used to INTERPRET the evidence.

Let’s look more closely at this fossil sequence.

First, we should understand that the creatures depicted in these diagrams are often partially reconstructed with artistic license. Complete skeletons are rare. Often, the evidence consists of skull fragments, a pelvis here, most of a leg there, and skeletons are made from multiple creatures—with MISSING bones simply guessed at.

As paleobiologist Nicholas Pyenson wrote concerning studying fossils to determine how whales’ supposed ancestors moved from land to water,

“…most early stem cetaceans [that is, presumed whale-ancestors] are known from FAR LESS COMPLETE SKELETONS than many ARTISTIC INTERPRETATIONS would indicate…. The INCOMPLETENESS OF THESE FOSSIL TAXA, especially for early quadrupedal [or four-legged] forms such as Pakicetus, underscores the challenges of reconstructing their ecology” (“The Ecological Rise of Whales Chronicled by the Fossil Record,” Current Biology, vol. 27, iss. 11, June 5, 2017).

When diagrams show a beautiful, complete, transitional collection of creatures, often you are looking at far more “artistic interpretation” than you might realize.

How do scientists and artists “fill in” missing parts and other features? Often by relying on evolution-based assumptions, tainting the “evidence” from the beginning.

Still, for the sake of argument, let’s ignore that. There are larger fish to fry. Let’s assume that scientists and artist’s imaginations are “spot on” and the creatures looked exactly as they appear to look in their impressive charts. And let’s assume that they existed at the very times they are claimed to have existed, 40 to 50 million years ago.

Part of what makes this tale so convincing is the chronological order of the sequence.

As Jerry Coyne explains, this ordering of fossils is crucial to their ability to serve as evidence of the transition:

“We see ancestral whales spanning the gap between their own landlubber ancestors and fully modern whales. If evolution were not true, fossils would not occur in an order that makes evolutionary sense” (Coyne, p. 57).

Dr. Coyne says that we see fossils in the order evolution tells us they should exist. If you found a fossil of a creature that was OLDER than a fossil of its supposed ancestor, evolution would be in trouble. Descendants have to come AFTER ancestors—if evolution is correct, the fossils have to be in order.

Frankly, a number of exceptions can be found that contradict this expectation, but today we’re focusing on WHALES. Is it true that we’ve NEVER found ANY whale fossils OUT of sequence?

No, it is NOT true. In 2011, researchers did JUST THAT. As the Associated Press reported,

“The jawbone of an ancient whale found in Antarctica may be the oldest fully aquatic whale yet discovered….

“A scientist not involved in the find said it could suggest that whales evolved MUCH MORE QUICKLY from their amphibian precursors than previously thought.

“Argentine paleontologist Marcelo Reguero, who led a joint Argentine-Swedish team, said the fossilized archaeocete [or, ancient whale] jawbone found in February dates back 49 MILLION YEARS” (Michael Warren, “Ancient whale jawbone found in Antarctica,” Associated Press, October 11, 2011).

According to these scientists, this was a FULLY AQUATIC WHALE, which poses a SERIOUS problem. This places fully aquatic whales BACK at least TEN MILLION YEARS or so—LONG BEFORE some of their supposed ANCESTORS. This is like discovering that your family tree only works if you were born BEFORE your great-great grandfather!

If FULLY AQUATIC whales ALREADY EXISTED alongside some of their most ancient SUPPOSED ANCESTORS—IN FACT, when whales were still supposedly LAND creatures—then something smells fishy. Either our “picture-perfect” story is falling apart, or we have a time-traveling whale on our hands.

Yet problems with our whale tale don’t stop there. We’ll look at a bigger problem in a moment.

Created for the Sea

It is one thing to talk about a land-creature slowly adapting to become a sea creature, but we should consider what ACTUAL changes are involved with such a transformation. How long would it take evolution to produce them?

Whale DNA analysis suggests that some changes could arise through LOSS of biological function. This is a legitimately proven way Darwinian processes can work, as described in today’s free resource. But creating BRAND NEW bodily structures and biological functions is entirely different.

And when you examine the whale’s features that are specialized for aquatic life, the list of adaptations is LONG. Let’s dip our toes in and look at a few features evolution would need to create to change a wolf-like creature to a whale. In his book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution, researcher and writer Jonathan Wells details many:

  • The whale’s tail, or fluke, is remarkably complex, working through a specialized and coordinated system of tendons and muscles that land-based ancestors would not need.
  • The fluke’s shape resembles airplane foils, serving a similar purpose in creating lift, though demonstrating BETTER engineering.
  • Whales’ famous blowholes demonstrate a great deal of specified design. They are naturally CLOSED by default, not open, even above water. A system of specialized muscles anchored to the skull open a tissue around the blowhole whenever the whale needs to breathe—a system that would be foreign to land-based ancestors.
  • Collapsible lungs and rib cages, with diaphragms oriented completely unlike those of land mammals, allow whales to achieve deep dives that would crush other creatures.
  • The interior linings of the whale’s lungs contain fluids that allow them to repeatedly collapse and re-expand. The lungs of whales’ supposed land-based ancestors had no reason to produce these liquids.
  • Can you hold your breath for one hour? A sperm whale can, and beaked whales can stay underwater for TWO hours. This is only possible with a far more efficient metabolism shift than land mammals are capable of, redirecting blood to the brain and slowing the heart.
  • A male cetacean’s reproductive organs are inside the body to streamline the creature in water. Their location poses a problem, because reproductive organs must be protected from the body heat mammals generate, in order to prevent sterility. In whales and dolphins, this is accomplished by a system in which blood from the dorsal fin on their backs, cooled by being close to the water, is carried directly to the reproductive organs, absorbing the excess heat and carrying it back to the dorsal fin. Without these coordinated systems, the animal could not reproduce.
  • Finally, how whales nurse their young is highly specialized, involving organs that emerge from slits in the mother’s body and deliver milk to the calf through a pressurized system, which is important because whale calves cannot suck the milk as land-based mammalian young do.

(Jonathan Wells, Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution, 2017, pp. 104–109).

Truly, whales are a wonder of our world, beautifully designed to rule in their watery domain.

This is only a small sampling of the changes needed to convert a land-dwelling mammal into an ocean-dominating whale. Even if these hundreds of innovations WERE possible through Darwinian means, how long might such a series of changes take? Jonathan Wells notes in his book that the accepted time frame gives land-lubbing Pakicetus around eight million years to “evolve” into a true whale. Is that enough time?

To answer the question, Wells looks at studies on the rates of genetic mutation in creatures such as fruit flies and human beings, and reports on the work of population geneticist Richard Sternberg, who applied these rates to whale evolution. Noting that a study suggested that fixing only TWO coordinated mutations would take 100 MILLION YEARS for humans, Wells reports on the obvious conclusion:

“Assuming a generation time of twenty-five years for humans and five years for the ancestors of cetaceans [including whales], Sternberg pointed out that fixing just TWO mutations in the latter would take MILLIONS OF YEARS LONGER than the time available in the fossil record. So there isn’t enough time to fix even TWO mutations, yet we need HUNDREDS or even THOUSANDS of new mutations. Obviously, eight million years is not long enough to accumulate enough accidental mutations to turn a “walking whale” into a real whale—even if neo-Darwinian theory were right about the power of mutations (which it isn’t)” (Wells, p. 113).

Yet, as we’ve seen, the problem is WORSE than that, because the discovery of a FULLY AQUATIC whale that existed around the same time as land-lubbing Pakicetus means that all of these changes would have had to happen within only ONE TO THREE million years!

If these changes could not have happened in eight million years, they DEFINITELY could not have happened in three—let alone ONE.

We’ll put everything together in the next segment and replace this fish story with facts and truth.

The Answers in Genesis

My friends, the more one dives into the details of the supposedly “picture perfect” tale of whale evolution, the less it seems like a masterpiece and the more it seems like a low budget monster movie fit for Mystery Science Theater 3000—the sort that people watch not because it’s good but because it’s so much fun to poke holes in it and laugh at the bad special effects. Today, we’ve seen that the plot has chapters that happen in the wrong order, poorly developed characters, some of which show up in scenes they don’t belong in, and everything happening in a ridiculously impossible length of time that is way too short—like in bad soap operas, where a character has a baby one day, and by the end of the season, the “baby” is already old enough for high school!

If this “picture-perfect” illustration of evolution is this problematic, then what of supposedly lesser evidence? Though claimed to be “scientific fact,” evolution simply is not so.

So, where DID modern whales come from? Genesis 1 and verses 20 and 21 has had something to say about that for more than 3,000 years:

“Then God said, ‘Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.’ So God created GREAT SEA CREATURES and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.”

These magnificent creatures have a Creator! And HE is responsible for their remarkable design and engineering, their astonishing abilities, and their beautiful variety!

We should note, however, that it is wrong to assume the creatures God created cannot change at all, or that a great capacity for variety does NOT exist in living creatures. For instance, the whales of today may have changed somewhat from the original “sea creatures” of Day Five in the Genesis “Creation Week.”

Consider, when God created dogs on Day Six, do we imagine that meant He created every variety of dog EXACTLY as we see them today? Did Adam and Eve see VAST HERDS OF CHIHUAHUAS running across the plains? Or Great Danes, or Dachshunds, or St. Bernards?

No—apparently, He began with something much like a wolf, and from such magnificent beginnings, mankind has been able to tease out details, eliminate unwanted characteristics, and breed different varieties. Life’s design, including the REMARKABLE DNA molecule and its incredible programming language, is a tribute to a Creator of great forethought—something discussed and illustrated in today’s free offer. Yes, we can begin with a wolf-like dog and intelligently produce NEW dogs over time, like Chihuahuas and Great Danes. Yet, the idea of taking a wolf-like creature and producing a BLUE WHALE? As we’ve seen today, THAT is a different claim, entirely.

Yet, if THAT tale isn’t truly supported by the evidence, then what of the larger, grander tale of evolution in general? Not that a wolf-like creature can eventually become a blue whale—but that a BACTERIA can one day become a blue whale?

THAT fairy tale is one we’ll save for another day. But you can address it NOW with today’s free offer, Evolution and Creation: What Both Sides Miss. I hope you will order your free copy.

And I hope we will see you here at Tomorrow’s World next week, where Gerald Weston, Richard Ames, Rod McNair, and I will be waiting for you, ready to share the clear teachings of God’s word, what prophecy declares is coming in the days ahead of us, and Jesus Christ’s Gospel of His coming Kingdom. Until we’re together again, take care.

Thanks for watching all the way to the end! We hope today’s video was helpful for you, AND don’t forget to click here for today’s free offer. And also, don’t forget to subscribe, and to be notified when we put out future videos, just click on the bell.

The End of War

Will we ever see peace on this earth? Peace is prophesied to come upon the earth, but only after many other prophecies come true. Tune in to learn about this prophesied time of peace and what must happen before it is attainable.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Can Peace Become Reality?

The Second World War ended 75 years ago and a shrinking number are old enough to remember it firsthand. Those who fought in that terrible war, and those civilians who endured it, are dying off. They were my parent’s generation. The war was etched deeply upon their minds and hearts and I remember them taking me to the American Cemetery in Cambridge England. The Memorial Day ceremonies included a plane flyover to drop flowers from the sky over the precisely aligned white crosses where 3,812 Americans were buried. And a wall contained the names of 5,127 others that were missing in action.

It was an impressive sight, but my twelve-year-old mind couldn’t take in the meaning of it all. And for that matter, who can? While a cemetery is a meaningful reality of the conflict, it hardly encompasses the total brutality of a fight that engulfed the whole world and cut short the lives of some 60 to 70 million people, with far more bearing physical and emotional scars.

After the greatest conflict in man’s history, we’re still looking for the way to peace. There have been dozens of wars in the intervening 75 years, but all limited in scope in comparison. One must ask, “Are we making progress toward a more peaceful world?” Surely, there will never be a World War III! Nations are not that foolish. Or are they?

Have we seen the war to end war? Can mankind learn the way to peace? There are answers to these questions and the answers may surprise you. There IS good news, so stay tuned.

War Is Their Favorite Game

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World where I’m asking whether there will ever be an end to war. Twice in the last century the world was brought into conflicts where tens of millions of lives were lost. Could such a thing happen again in our modern civilized world?

Robert Kagan gives us a warning from the past in his 2018 book, The Jungle Grows Back.

“As the British author and politician Norman Angell observed in 1909, the world’s great, civilized powers, had “passed out of that stage of development” in which any nation could benefit from conquering another by force. Reasoned calculations of self-interest precluded war among them. In a world of growing prosperity, democracy, and increasing connection among peoples, great-power war was obsolete” (The Jungle Grows Back, Kagan, Alfred A. Knopf, 2013, p. 16).

Kagan explains how delusional that thinking was, and in effect, cautions us against similar delusions.

“They could not imagine that the world’s leading commercial powers, so interdependent in the modern global economy, would wage a war for such primitive goals as territory and military domination, that they would be inspired not by rational calculations of interest but by fear, pride, and ambition, and that war would enjoy the enthusiastic backing of their people fueled by nationalism and tribalism” (Kagan, pp. 16–17).

Yet, Angell and the politicians and people of his day were terribly wrong. It would only be five years from when Angell made those predictions until the greatest conflict in humanity’s history up to that time. World War I killed an estimated 20 million with another 21 million carrying with them the physical scars of human conflict. United States President Woodrow Wilson called it “the war to end all wars,” and that too, was an illusion.

Such numbers are staggering and can only be understood properly on the personal level, as brought out so dramatically in Erich Maria Remarque’s 1929 novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, where he strips away the glamour of war and brings it down to what it means for the common soldier. The most poignant chapter describes the inner thoughts of Paul Baumer, a German soldier, as he sits in a fox hole with Gerard Duval, a Frenchman he mortally wounded.

Given mankind’s propensity for avarice and the game of war, the future looks bleak, and any realist would conclude that there will never be a time of genuine peace. So, is that the final answer to our question? Or is there a surprise on the horizon? Is there any realistic hope that peace can come to our troubled planet?

Yes, my friends, there is. There is a statue near the United Nations in New York with these words inscribed on it:

“They will beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation,
nor will they train for war anymore.”

Do you know from where these words originate? They come from Isaiah, chapter 2 and verse 4 in the book of all books, the Bible. The same words are also repeated in the biblical book of Micah.

Is this a mere pipe dream? It is, according to one former United States President. Richard Nixon well understood the world and how it operates. He understood the mind of man on a geopolitical scale and how self-interest is at the heart of every nation’s foreign policy. In his book, Real Peace, Mr. Nixon chided poets, authors, and songwriters about such dreamy ideas of peace.

“Those who make peace at the typing table rather than at the negotiating table have the luxury of being peace-makers without having to grapple with complex problems in the rough-and-tumble world of real international diplomacy. To them the only obstacle to peace is the regrettable lack of leaders who are as selfless and idealistic as they claim to be and who are willing to put aside parochial national interest in the interest of bringing peace to the world. They hope that this era will be the one in which self-interest, the force that has driven history since the dawn of history, will simply evaporate” (Real Peace, Richard Nixon, Simon & Schuster, 2013, p. 4).

So we must ask, “Who is correct—the Bible or the late President of the United States?”

Will Humanity Survive World War 3?

Before the break I said I would answer the question as to who is correct—former President Richard Nixon, or the Bible? While he did not have the complete answer regarding peace, Mr. Nixon correctly understood the problem behind why we have war. He recognized it is man’s nature, and he understood that the only hope to change human nature falls in the realm of religion. But, Mr. Nixon never placed hope in religion coming to our rescue. In fact, he attributed religion as part of the problem.

“In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars. Men praying to the same God killed each other by the thousands in America’s Civil War and by the millions in World War I and World War II. Unless men change, a real peace must be built on the assumption that the most we can do is to learn to live with our differences rather than dying over them” (Nixon, p. 14).

Another pragmatist is former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev, a man who by his actions as well as his words, seeks a more peaceable world. Looking past the COVID-19 crisis, he wrote in Time magazine:

“While it is the national governments that now bear the brunt of making difficult choices, [future] decisions will have to be made by the entire world community. We have so far failed to develop and implement strategies and goals common to all mankind” (“When the Pandemic is Over, the World Must Come Together,” Time, April 15, 2020).

He then asked the following rhetorical question:

“Is it not clear by now that wars and the arms race cannot solve today’s global problems? War is a sign of defeat, a failure of politics.… I’ll never tire of repeating: we need to demilitarize world affairs, international politics and political thinking” (ibid.).

Gorbachev concluded by calling on world leaders to come together at the United Nations to hold an emergency session and revise “the global agenda.” He then suggested that nations cut military spending by 10 to 15 percent as a first step.

But is either Nixon or Gorbachev correct in their pessimism? Mr. Nixon did not understand or believe the biblical message, and neither does Mr. Gorbachev.

But exactly what is that message and how can it come to pass? As we already saw, the prophet Isaiah spoke of a time when men would beat their swords into plowshares, indicating a time of peace. But when? When will we ever see peace? The book of Micah, chapter 4, verse 1 answers this question:

“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days…” (Micah 4:1).

“The latter days” and similar expressions are found in the Bible to indicate a time in the future when God will intervene very directly in human affairs. These latter days will be marked by rebellion and violence and God’s patience will have run out. The Prophet Jeremiah predicted these rebellious times and declares in Jeremiah 23, and verse 20:

“The anger of the LORD will not turn back until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart. In the latter days you will understand it perfectly” (Jeremiah 23:20).

All of this will become clear in the latter days, at the time of the end. We’ve quoted numerous times here at Tomorrow’s World the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, where His disciples asked Him,

“Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).

After rehearsing major signs, Jesus gives this summary:

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved…” (Matthew 24:21–22).

I asked at the beginning of this section, which view is correct? The Bible or Mr. Nixon? The answer is that both agree that man’s efforts for peace will fail. The Apostle Paul quotes the Prophet Isaiah:

“And the way of peace they have not known” (Romans 3:17).

Jesus even went so far as to predict that mankind would come to the point of self-annihilation. So how can war and peace both be correct?

Very simply, there is a climax coming in world affairs which will lead to a time of trouble such as the world has never known, and World War will be a major feature of that time. However, the Bible predicts something that political leaders fail to see—the literal return of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

Human Nature Must Change!

Today we are asking whether there will ever be an end to war. Students of history have little confidence that real lasting peace will ever come to pass. Even now, we see raw human nature on many fronts. Can mankind discover the path to peace? Tolstoy’s War and Peace may make a good read on a rainy day, but it’s the Bible that gives the real story of war and peace. Based on history, how can the Bible predict so confidently that peace is in our future?

Richard Nixon came very close to the answer. He saw the problem, but not the solution. As he wrote:

“In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict” (Nixon, p. 14).

However, he observed the utter failure of religion to change “the nature of man.”

“But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars. Men praying to the same God killed each other by the thousands in America’s Civil War and by the millions in World War I and World War II” (ibid).

Thousands of years of man’s history prove that religions of all stripes, including professing Christianity, have failed to solve the problem, but the object of right religion—that is, God—can solve the problem. The true Creator of mankind IS able to change human nature and He reveals that He will.

The Bible tells us that God made a covenant with the ancient nation of Israel. In short, He said, if you obey my law, my commandments, I will bless you above all people on the face of the earth. So He revealed to the children of Israel Ten Commandments. Most people are more or less familiar with them, but let’s review them in a shortened and paraphrased form:

You shall have no other Gods before the only true God

You shall not use images in the worship of the true God

Don’t take God’s name in vain

Remember the seventh day to keep it holy

Honor your mother and your father

You shall not kill

You shall not commit adultery

You shall not steal

You shall not bear false witness

You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s

These commands seemed simple enough, and Israel wanted God’s protection and blessing, but there was a problem—human nature. Notice how God figuratively groaned at Israel’s lack of respect for the covenant—Deuteronomy 5:29:

“Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever!” (Deuteronomy 5:29).

God is not very flattering toward Israel, and by Israel I don’t mean only the small nation called by that name at the East end of the Mediterranean Sea. Israel refers to far more than the Jews in that nation and those scattered abroad. It refers not to the tribe of Judah only, but to all twelve tribes, a distinction that even students of the Bible fail to recognize. And God describes all twelve tribes in the most unflattering terms:






And He describes Gentile kingdoms as wild devouring beasts in Daniel, chapters 7 and 8; and Revelation, chapters 13 and 17. The problem of the human heart, our nature, transcends race, nationality, tribe, and gender. So the question remains: “How to change the heart of man?” Religion has been around for thousands of years, but all have failed to change human nature on a scale necessary for peace.

But there IS good news my friends. There is coming a change of the human heart. Notice Ezekiel 11:19:

“Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh…” (Ezekiel 11:19).

But what is the purpose of that new heart? The answer is found in the very next verse:

“… that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God” (Ezekiel 11:20).

The Apostle Paul explains the problem very succinctly in Romans 8 and verse 7:

“Because the carnal [that is the human, fleshly] mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be” (Romans 8:7).

Why is it my friends that people think the New Covenant does away with the law of God? As we have just seen, God gives a new heart for the very purpose,

“… that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments.”

Jeremiah 31:31–34 describes the New Covenant, but let’s read it in the New Testament. After explaining that the problem of the first covenant was with the people, Paul quotes Jeremiah:

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts…” (Hebrews 8:10).

Now can anyone explain how this in any way does away with the law of God as many evangelicals profess? Here is what The New Bible Commentary Revised says about this exact same statement as it was originally recorded in Jeremiah:

“What, then, will the Lord do? He must either reduce His demands until they are within the range of human powers, or else He must change the heart of men. It is to the latter that He commits Himself” (The New Bible Commentary Revised, Jeremiah 31:33, Inter-Varsity Press, 1970, p. 645).

Explaining the words “My law in this passage, the commentary goes on to say:

“The law reflects the nature of God, and therefore is unchanging. God cannot reduce His standards without ceasing to be Himself, but now the whole inner constitution of men, their hearts, is to be fashioned by God to match the requirements of His law, and in this way the great covenant promise, I will be their God, and they shall be my people, will be fulfilled” (ibid.).

That which changes the heart is the Spirit of God in us, but if that is the case, why don’t we see real peace among those who claim to have that Spirit?

A Restoration of Peace and the Removal of the Real “God of War”

As explained in our booklet “The Beast of Revelation,” the Bible predicts the rise of a power in Europe that will bring a level of warfare on a scale we can hardly imagine. This will necessitate the intervention of God to stop the insanity, and this in turn will make peace possible. A new spirit will be poured out on mankind, but that’s not all. The spirit that currently rules this world must in turn be removed. We read about that rebellious spirit in Ephesians 2, verses 1 and 2:

“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:1–2).

As long as that evil spirit, Satan the Devil, is still around, there can be no peace! One of the first things Jesus will do upon His return is to have that being removed, no longer allowing him to influence mankind. We read of this in Revelation 20, verses 1–2.

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven.… He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years…” (Revelation 20:1–2).

Peace will be possible once the Prince of Peace returns and pours out His spirit on all flesh and the current prince of the power of the air is removed. The laws of God that bring peace will be written in the hearts of men. And that, my friends, is how human nature will be changed!

A World on Fire

Our world is on fire, you don't even have to follow the smoke to see it because it's burning up right before our eyes. Tune in to learn what your Bible has to say are some of the causes for the state of our world.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Trouble in the Streets and Around the World

The scenes are gripping. Streets filled with protestors. Buildings burning. Clashes with law enforcement. Masks and pandemic warnings. Racial tensions. Experts at odds. And the leaders we expect to bring order, balance, and solutions doing little more than tweeting, blaming, and posturing--inadequate, ineffectual, and focused on internal divisions and discord.

It seems as though civilization itself is going up in flames.

On our program today, we will review the state of the world right now, and we will seek to do what others won’t: We’ll look at the causes of this chaos--causes that most are unwilling to admit.

Join us for this episode of Tomorrow’s World, where we examine a world on fire.

Why is There No Peace?

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World.

I know that some among our hundreds of thousands of weekly viewers all over the world have had the horrifying experience of waking up to discover your house is on fire. You’ve gone to bed in otherwise peaceful surroundings, only to be shocked awake by the sounds of home fire alarms, the scent of smoke burning in your nostrils, and the terrifying sight of flames beginning to engulf the walls around you. Few experiences can be as frightening.

In a collective sense, we are experiencing such a moment today. The world we lived in only months ago is no longer the world we inhabit. That previous world is on fire all around us. What is happening? And why?

Today we will identify some KEY CAUSES for the fires of violent self-destruction raging throughout the world--causes that few in ANY political party have the wisdom to discover or the will to admit!

We will also give you several opportunities to request our free DVD resource, “A Culture in Crisis.” This DVD is already paid for and completely free to all who request it. Be sure to watch for the information you need to order your free copy.

If it seems to you that unrest and chaos are increasing in society, you are not crazy. They are.

In May of 2020, international news resource EURACTIV noted the results of a survey of civil unrest across the globe. These results match what most of us already believe:

“Civil unrest has doubled in the past decade as citizens protest against issues ranging from economic hardship and police brutality to political instability, according to this year’s Global Peace Index.”

The Global Peace Index is published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace, headquartered in Sydney, Australia. The Institute notes that over the last decade

  • …riots across the globe had increased by 282%
  • …and general strikes had increased by 821%.
  • And in 2019 alone, 58% of countries around the world had experienced violent protests.

Institute founder, Steve Killilea stated, “It’s likely that the economic impact of COVID-19 will magnify tensions by increasing unemployment, widening inequality and worsening labour conditions--creating alienation from the political system and increasing civil unrest. We therefore find ourselves at a critical juncture.”

But when we speak of a world on fire, few need an international think tank to send us a report. We see the flames on our own television screens and social media feeds. In fact, some of us see them in the streets of our own cities, outside our own windows, and even within our own homes and workplaces.

In a world already burdened by concern, depression, unemployment, and fear, stirred by the COVID-19 pandemic and government restrictions, came the shocking, video-recorded death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The resulting protests that began in the United States were soon joined by others in London, Rome, Paris, Madrid, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro--cities all over the world. While crowds initially seemed focused on addressing questions of policing measures and concerns of racial prejudice in law enforcement, protests rapidly began to expand to include multiple actors from multiple walks of life with diverse purposes and motives. Some targeted capitalism and economic change. Others wanted to see police forces completely abolished. Others, still, inserted their own social cause, such as the transgender movement and bringing down cultural and historical institutions. And, sadly, more than a few seemed interested in little more than causing destruction and generating anarchy.

Businesses in many urban areas were looted, demolished, and burned, destroying livelihoods and upending lives. Portions of Seattle were seized by protestors and declared “independent” of the United States. Many of us will never forget the images we have seen of individuals assaulted, beaten, and killed in the streets of our own cities by lawless individuals who seem freed from the bounds of human conscience.

Meanwhile many politicians and news anchors merely pointed fingers and attached blame. While accusations flew, no one provided the answers that suffering families needed.

As the world burns around us, the most important question we must ask is WHY? Why does the world seem to be engulfed in flames? What are the real causes of the tragedies that we see unfolding?

Those questions have answers! They are not popular, to be sure, but they are the TRUTH. And the day is long past when we could afford to indulge in the lies, ignorance, and pretense we see coming from politicians seeking to win elections and news channels seeking higher ratings. We will dare to give you those answers, beginning in the next portion of our program.

Hating What Was Made in the Image of God

Yes, the world appears to be engulfed in the flames of violence, chaos, confusion, disorder, and destruction. The flames die down for a season, only to return hotter, hungrier, and more widespread.

Many factors play into the problems we see today, and many temporary solutions could be offered. But any REAL, PERMANENT SOLUTION must address the CAUSES and not just the SYMPTOMS! Let us look at three of the deeper causes behind the flames that are engulfing our world. Any solution that does not address THESE THREE ISSUES may work for a short while, but will ultimately be DOOMED TO FAILURE.

First, Humanity has abandoned the truth that we are created in God’s image.

The Bible declares this fundamental truth in its opening pages:

“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’ So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:26–27.

Every single one of us has been created in the very image of God. This fact sets mankind apart as the pinnacle of creation and endows humans with a dignity and value far above anything possessed by the animals.

Yet this marvelous truth has been cast aside in favor of the baseless and untenable idea that life “just happened”--that there is no Creator and nothing truly special about mankind.

We increasingly experience the consequences of that terrible lie.

When you see people as individuals bearing the image of God, you cannot commit the sort of atrocities against your fellow man that we have seen in cellphone footage from riots and violent protests. You can’t drag someone out of his car and beat him to death with a skateboard. You can’t loot his business and burn down his livelihood. You recognize that he, too, is a potential child of God, just like you are--a human being whose life has value in the eyes of His Creator.

When you know each and every member of the human race is made in the image of God, there is no room for seeing someone as somehow “less” than you are just because of the color of his skin. Rather, you see him as someone whose standing before God reflects your own--as both of you reflect the image of the One who made you. As Paul told Christians in his letter to the Galatians, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Yet when we only see each other as animals, we begin to behave like animals and treat each other as nothing more. And it goes beyond what we see in our streets.

Consider the curse of abortion. What happens when we forget that all human beings--even those in the womb--are created by God in His image?

Out of every 1,000 children in the womb, the Guttmacher Institute estimates that 35 children are aborted. Compare that to the World Health Organization’s estimate that only 29 children out of 1,000 die within a year after they are born. That means we now live in a world where a child is in MORE danger of being killed in his own mother’s womb--what should be the safest place of all--than dying outside it!

In the free DVD we are offering today, Gerald Weston covers that topic thoroughly--with both fairness and compassion--in his program “Tiny Fingers and Toes!

But the confusion doesn’t end there. For instance, why is there such chaos in society over concepts such as sex, gender, family, and marriage? Because we have abandoned the truth that humanity is created in GOD’S image and see ourselves as completely free to RECREATE OURSELVES in WHATEVER IMAGE WE FANCY!

But there are profound consequences to abandoning the divine design of humanity. Consider the impact of dissolving biblical marriage and redefining family. The National Center for Fathering gathered research on the impact of fatherless families on children, and the results were staggering. As they noted, “… children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in crime, and girls are more likely to become pregnant as teens.”

Think about that. To what extent does the growing epidemic of fatherlessness, alone, contribute to what we see in the burning world outside our windows?

Abandoning the truth that humanity is created in the image of God has PROFOUND consequences.

Forgetting the Ten Commandments

Let’s look at another reason--one that involves a source of wisdom more than 3,000 years old, which modern man has cast aside to its own self-destruction.

Humanity has abandoned the Ten Commandments.

More than three millennia ago, God delivered to the ancient Israelite people a collection of Ten Commandments that would provide the core of an approach to life and worship that would guide their entire civilization.

Listed in Exodus, chapter 20, these ten rules represented divine, God-given laws that superseded all human law--an objective moral guide against which our own ideas of right and wrong could be measured and tested.

God’s commands that…

  • We should have no other God but Him,
  • We should not make idols,
  • We should not use His name in vain,
  • We should remember and keep His seventh-day Sabbath,
  • We should honor our parents,
  • We should not murder,
  • We should not commit adultery,
  • We should not steal,
  • We should not bear false witness,
  • And we should not covet…

…have formed the basis of legal codes in Western civilization for centuries.

However, mankind has abandoned the Ten Commandments as a divine code--thrown out the idea that God commands us anything at ALL concerning right and wrong, deciding that we OURSELVES, should have the right to decide what is good and evil. After all, why should the modern world owe any allegiance to a set of rules and morals listed in some dusty old book written tens of centuries ago?

Yet, after throwing out God’s definitions of what’s right and what’s wrong, what do we use to replace them?

Some would claim that SCIENCE is the answer, as if morality can be discovered through the microscope or the test tube. The perverted experiments performed by Nazi scientists during the Holocaust should give us pause before turning morality over to the scientific realm. Some appoint GOVERNMENT as the moral authority and LEGISLATURE AND COURTS as the deciding factors in what is good and evil. Yet, again, how many wicked governments have sprung up among men, even in democracies, and on what basis do we judge such governments? Was slavery in the American South a MORAL GOOD just because it was legal? Of course not!

The end result of casting aside God’s divine authority is a world in which every individual decides for HIMSELF what is good and evil--a world of moral chaos. Or, as we see today, a world on fire.

The Bible describes a brutal period in the history of ancient Israel, before there was a monarchy, as just such a time. It was violent--even barbaric--and God’s summary of WHY such brutality existed should get our attention. We see it at the end of the book of Judges, in chapter 21 and verse 25:

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

In a society where every individual independently decides right and wrong as he or she sees fit, the result is CHAOS--exactly what we see flickering in the flames of civil unrest that are breaking out with increasing frequency in our world today.

In fact, the consequences are far larger than many realize. Abandoning the Ten Commandments involves abandoning the idea that God is the ultimate lawgiver, whose laws and commands must be obeyed. So, for example, His laws listed in Leviticus 11 concerning clean and unclean animals are cast aside--yet the causes of many of the flus and contagions that have devastated the health and economies of nations around the world in recent decades, such as the recent coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic--are directly related to abandoning these laws and eating unclean animals! Tomorrow’s World presenter Gerald Weston has detailed this connection in multiple programs for our viewers. The laws of God are more than a mere academic philosophy about ethics and morality--as the coronavirus pandemic has made abundantly clear, obeying His laws is a matter of life and death.

At the heart of the confusion and mayhem we see in the world today is a REJECTION OF GOD’S AUTHORITY IN OUR LIVES. Humanity has rejected the Ten Commandments--and with them, we have rejected any hope of understanding right and wrong.

Losing the True Teachings of Jesus Christ

Yet, even if mankind were to embrace these causes, it would be insufficient. After all, ancient Israel understood they were made in God’s image, and they were given the Ten Commandments. Yet they could not stay the course, and their own civilization experienced the same self-destruction we see happening to us today. We need something more, and that something more is the rulership of the Savior of the world.

The third reason the world around us is on fire is that Humanity refuses to submit to Jesus Christ.

Now, some of you might disagree, saying, “What a minute--isn’t Christianity the largest religion in the world?” And you’d have a point. The Pew Research Center noted in 2017 that 31 percent--almost one-third of all humanity--claims to be Christian.

But true Christianity is more than a label.

Does one-third of humanity truly embrace the actual teachings, faith, and message of Christ? The message He brought to this earth 2,000 years ago and commanded to be preached today? NOT AT ALL! In fact, most of what the world calls “Christianity” today would be unrecognizable to Jesus Christ, running exactly counter to His teachings! In fact, the teachings of modern Christianity are often a SOURCE for the sort of problems and confusion we see in the world, not the SOLUTIONS!

For example, much of modern Christianity has embraced the idea that Jesus wants us to come “Just as we are,” as the old hymn proclaims--that all that matters is that you “love the Lord” and accept salvation, regardless of your way of life. My friends nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, in Luke 14:33 Jesus explicitly says that those who are not willing to forsake ALL THEY HAVE literally CANNOT be His disciples! His Apostle John wrote in 1 John 2:4 that those who claim to know Jesus but who do not KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS are liars and the truth is not in them! And BOTH Peter and Paul explained that the TRUE Gospel, not the false “Gospel” of this world, is not only a message which must be believed, but a message which must be OBEYED. 2 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Peter 4:17

The apostate forms of Christianity that have provided the basis of Western culture are all essentially bankrupt of the deepest foundations of the truth and life that Jesus Christ intended His Church to carry into the world--foundations that you hear every week on this program.

Jesus gives us a way of life to LIVE--a way of life that is the exact opposite of the brazen arrogance we see in our culture today. It is a way of life filled with humility, obedience to God, and seeking peace, even in the face of oppression. It is a way of life in which, even in persecution, we look to the coming of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom for our solutions, not in what we can accomplish ourselves with our fists, our rage, and our anger.

And it is a way of life, love, and peace that Christ will bring to the whole world--not through political power or protests--but through reigning over the earth in power and majesty upon His return as King of kings and Lord of lords. May that day come quickly!

But we do not have to wait on the world to change--and that is truly Good News. We can come under the reign of Jesus Christ in our lives TODAY and put out the fires of our own inner rebellion and turmoil. God is calling a small group of people to do just that--those willing to live His way of life under the authority of Jesus in their lives in today’s world, so that they can help Him rule the earth in His way of peace in tomorrow’s world. Perhaps some of you are among those He is calling right now. That’s a question only you can answer.

Thanks for watching. We hope today’s program meant something to you. Be sure to click subscribe, and click on the bell for notifications whenever new videos come out. And, if you’re interested in the DVD related to today’s program, just click the link below the description. Again, thanks for watching!
