| Tomorrow's World

"... And No One Shall Make Them Afraid"

Gerald Weston: Presiding Evangelist

One might think that the year 2020 will go down as one of the most troubled years in modern history. We have seen unrest in many nations and regions around the world, from countries in Central and South America, to the United States, Europe, and Hong Kong. COVID-19 is something we may all want to forget, but its greatest legacy may prove to be years of economic impact—and when economies collapse, bad things normally follow.

Holidays or Holy Days?

Holidays or Holy Days?

What do you celebrate—and why? Has today’s mainstream Christianity obscured vital truths about the biblical feasts and celebrations God gave His people? The truth about God’s own Holy Days can bring you closer to your Savior and change your life forever!

Created In the Image of God…

The Star Wars series of blockbuster movies has thrilled audiences since what is now called Episode IV hit the box office in 1977. The theme of good versus evil, symbolized by the “Force” and the “Dark Side,” has captured the imaginations of young and old alike. The memorable characters, fast-paced action scenes, and cheeky dialogue pack theaters when each new installment is released.

2020 November-December Issue

Holidays or Holy Days?

Holidays or Holy Days?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

What do you celebrate—and why? Has today’s mainstream Christianity obscured vital truths about the biblical feasts and celebrations God gave His people? The truth about God’s own Holy Days can bring you...

Praying hands over a bible

Should You Recite the "Sinner's Prayer"?

  • Gerald E. Weston

One of the most commonly known but often misunderstood teachings found in the Bible concerns repentance from sin. But what does it mean to repent? Is there more to this concept than a simple prayer?

Pills and politics

A World Without Politics

  • Wallace G. Smith

Many people think that politics are more hateful and vitriolic than they have ever been, but the problem with mankind’s efforts at self-rule goes deeper than Red versus Blue, Republican versus Democrat, or...

Grandfather and grandson walking outdoors

The God Thing

  • J. Davy Crockett III

Remove one crucial element, and society falls apart.

Article: Protect the Next Generation from Fake History

Protect the Next Generation from Fake History

  • Rod McNair

Are modern institutions teaching your kids revisionist history—warped at best and just plain false at worst? What is the real missing ingredient that would help the next generation understand the wisdom of...

Article: London Calling - Overcoming Pandemic Fear: God's Way

Overcoming Pandemic Fear: God's Way

  • John Meakin

What can biblical health laws and the principles of godly love teach us about overcoming a major pandemic? More than you might think!

Article: NewsWatch


  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | "And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!"

Gerald Weston: Presiding Evangelist

"... And No One Shall Make Them Afraid"

  • Gerald E. Weston

One might think that the year 2020 will go down as one of the most troubled years in modern history. We have seen unrest in many nations and regions around the world, from countries in Central and South...

Article: Oh Canada! - Modern Moral Theory and the Murray-Hill Riot

Modern Moral Theory and the Murray-Hill Riot

  • Michael Heykoop

What would happen if your city stopped enforcing the law? Do we really need government intervention to prevent arson, robbery, and murder? Or does law enforcement only lead to suspicion, discrimination, and...

Ground squirrel judging you

The Extraordinary Ordinary Richardson's Ground Squirrel

  • Gary Molnar

The smallest creatures can sometimes teach the greatest lessons. What can one humble gopher show us about the intricacy of God’s creative engineering?

Article: Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Has mankind been given 6,000 years to rule itself?

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Trump Versus Biden and the Future of America

Come November, millions of Americans will vote (or will have already voted) for Mr. Donald Trump or Mr. Joe Biden to be president in what has been predicted to be one of the most important elections in United States history. Elections will also be held to choose many leaders in Congress. And there’s more! The Senate will soon decide on the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, which would likely mean a significant conservative swing of the Court.
