| Tomorrow's World

Overcoming Pandemic Fear: God's Way

Article: London Calling - Overcoming Pandemic Fear: God's Way

What can biblical health laws and the principles of godly love teach us about overcoming a major pandemic? More than you might think!

Papal Approval of Same-Sex Civil Unions

In a television interview recorded last year, Pope Francis made clear comments endorsing same-sex civil unions and called for legislation to protect these unions (Associated Press, October 22, 2020). During his time as the archbishop of Buenos Aires, “Francis endorsed civil unions for gay couples as an alternative to same-sex marriages.

Pope Calls for One World Government

In his latest encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis spoke of a need for all nations of the world to submit their governmental powers to a reformed and more powerful United Nations in the hope of leading to one world government to benefit all mankind. He noted that the time is now right to make this move, since globalized economic conditions in the twenty-first century have weakened the political power of nation states.

Should You Recite the "Sinner's Prayer"?

Praying hands over a bible

One of the most commonly known but often misunderstood teachings found in the Bible concerns repentance from sin. But what does it mean to repent? Is there more to this concept than a simple prayer?

Modern Moral Theory and the Murray-Hill Riot

Article: Oh Canada! - Modern Moral Theory and the Murray-Hill Riot

What would happen if your city stopped enforcing the law? Do we really need government intervention to prevent arson, robbery, and murder? Or does law enforcement only lead to suspicion, discrimination, and escalation?
