| Tomorrow's World

2021 July Issue

Boy with arm raised against orange sunset

Is God Actually Real to You?

  • Gerald E. Weston

Many sincerely religious people claim to know God and believe in Jesus Christ. But is being a Christian only a matter of “giving your heart to the Lord”? How can you make God is real to you and follow His...

Jerusalem at twilight with dome of the rock and wailing wall

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

  • Peter G. Nathan

True peace has been forever elusive for the “holy city”—but the Bible shows that it won’t be like that forever!

Defaced Columbus statue

What’s Behind the War on History?

  • Douglas S. Winnail

History is under siege. Long-acknowledged facts are being “rewritten” as heroes are made villains and students of Western civilization are taught to hate their heritage. But why? What forces are working...

Hammer nails and crown of thorns

“Excruciating? Really?”

  • Adam J. West

What meaning should this word have in our lives today?

Made in China boxes with Chinese flags

China Rising in a Post-Pandemic World

  • Timothy Mager

Why is China’s economy growing so fast? And what does it mean for Asia and the world? See what Bible prophecy says about the future of one of the oldest civilizations on earth.

Antique compass on a New England map

The Failed Faith of Our Fathers

  • Bryan Fall

Many claim we need to return to the religious values of our past to restore sanity to our decaying culture. But what if that isn’t enough? What if those values are not what they seem?


The Value of “No”

  • Rod McNair

Letting children have their way all the time is an obvious parenting failure. Learn how important it is to teach your kids to accept being told “No” and the role it plays in helping them tell right from...


Brexit: The Quest Continues

  • John Meakin

Scotland and Northern Ireland present unique challenges to Brexit’s engineers.



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Presiding Evangelist: Gerald Weston

Say Goodbye to “Mum” and “Dad”

  • Gerald E. Weston

Trends affecting family life—and even the modern definition of family itself—are anything but accidental. What is the true biblical purpose for family, and how can you preserve it?


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Does God call us, or do we choose Him for ourselves?


Letters To TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


A Coming Global Famine?

A famine is a shortage of food—an age-old problem that has persisted into the modern era. Did you know that in the last two centuries, tens of millions have died from starvation? And did you know that conditions are ripe for a global famine?

Will the Bible Be “Canceled”? Yes and No

“Cancel culture” picks up more steam by the day. Some important books that have experienced censorship recently are Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. Often, censored opinions and viewpoints agree in some way with biblical principles. The “canceled list” goes on and on and seems to be growing. However, despite the fad of canceling and censoring politically incorrect material, have you noticed what hasn’t been canceled yet?

Israel and the Red Heifer

According to the Old Testament, a red heifer is required to purify the altar of sacrifice in Jerusalem (see Numbers 19:1–10). Israel’s Temple Institute has worked for decades to prepare utensils, priestly robes, and even a portable altar that can be placed on or next to the Temple Mount when daily sacrifices are ready to resume. A red heifer is key to their resumption of daily sacrifices.

A Sea Change in Israel?

After twelve years under 71-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel has a new prime minister—Netanyahu’s former ally, 49-year-old Naftali Bennett (AP, June 13, 2021). Winning the office by just one Knesset vote, Prime Minister Bennett will lead a “fragile coalition comprised of eight parties with deep ideological differences.” However, Netanyahu will not disappear.
