| Tomorrow's World

Fertilizer Costs and Food Shortages

The costs of fertilizer have roughly tripled since last year, which has serious implications for world food production (Fortune, November 4, 2021).

The Hope You Need!

Job security, relationships, unexpected change—much of our world today can make you struggle to cope or even keep up with it all. Watch this helpful video for three reasons you can have hope, no matter what life throws your way.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

A Never-Ending Struggle?

For so many of us, life sometimes seems little more than a “stress machine.” News stories remind us that our social structures and systems of government are fracturing. The world around us seems almost a different planet in many ways since the pandemic began. Our personal lives, our health, our jobs, our relationships—all face mounting pressures that seem unrelenting. And the demands on us to somehow make “everything work” seem impossible to satisfy.

What we desperately need to move us forward, from one day to the next, is HOPE. But it seems that, no matter where we look, there is little REAL hope to be found. Yet I’m here to tell you today that there IS hope—REAL hope. There are solid reasons why you should look forward in confidence and face your challenges with courage and hope for the future.

Let us explain why the burdens you bear are not as heavy as you think they are. Join us right now on Tomorrow’s World as we give you “The Hope You Need!”

No Hiding From Reality

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where we help you understand your world through the pages of your Bible. Thank you for joining us.

Is there no reason for hope in the world anymore?

One could be forgiven for asking that question, as the world around us seems unraveling at the seams.

But there are reasons for hope. Not “pie in the sky” hope, not the sort of “self-delusional” hope rooted in fantasy and avoiding reality. But real hope, grounded in the most fundamental truths we could ever hope to learn or understand. We are going to address three of those sources of hope today.

But first, let’s wrestle a bit with reality. Because real hope isn’t built on fantasy. It isn’t found in avoiding life or running away from our troubles—whether we literally run away from them by avoiding the things we fear, or whether we seek to hide in different ways, such as through alcohol and substance abuse, or filling our minds with all the diversions and distractions this world has to offer, so that there’s no room for reality to slip in and remind us of what we face in the real world.

No, if we want to embrace real hope, then we have to embrace real life, and accept it for what it is.

Not that I would blame anyone for wanting to hide. Our world is not the most encouraging place to live.

Our daily news feeds have little to offer us that is encouraging. Partially, this is because negative news sells more newspapers and captures more viewers. But, frankly, it is also because our world is truly in trouble. National systems of government that have served as models of stability and peaceful deliberation are crumbling. Of course, in democracies, the nature of governments and the nature of their citizens are intimately connected, and, sure enough, the problems we see in government reflect the problems of the people. Anger, violence, unrest—reflections of instability and uncertainty are on the rise.

Our program is viewed all around the world, but I live in the United States, and I can attest that our society is beginning to head in directions that are making it unrecognizable. Fault lines are widening and even the smallest of differences between people are prompting neighbors to treat each other as enemies—stirring up hatred with an almost animal-like viciousness.

Yes, tensions are high between nations, as the United States, Russia, and China compete for as much control as they can muster over an increasingly volatile and unpredictable world. But we don’t need to look to international news to see conflict, strife, and hatred. We are seeing it in our own cities and among our own neighbors.

Not a lot of hope to find there.

And that’s all besides the frequent stresses and concerns of our personal lives. Health problems, challenges at work, financial troubles, and relationship difficulties—sometimes even when we’re trying to do the right thing, it can seem like it doesn’t make a difference; as if no one sees our struggles and cares what we are going through; as if our efforts seem pointless, and we have no hope that there’s any meaning in it all.

We need hope that our efforts matter in this world. But where will we find that hope?

Science provides none. We have parted the curtain on the natural world and learned wondrous things, but nothing that provides transformative hope or true meaning to life. And as we noted earlier, the world of politics seems to be where hope goes to die, these days.

Modern living in developed nations provides virtually non-stop entertainment and distraction for those who can afford it—and while they can take our minds off of our troubles for a while, in the end, without real hope, those distractions leave us feeling emptier than we were before.

We need hope. Real, lasting, significant, profound hope. A hope rooted in things that transcend the world around us and provide deep, eye-opening meaning to our lives and experiences.

And, my friends, such hope really does exist.

A Living God, the True Source of Hope

Now we want to look at three sources of the hope you need. Now on first glance, they may seem trivial, but they represent the foundations of the only real hope that can make a significant difference in our lives. When we embrace these truths and all that they imply, the entire world—every aspect of our lives—begins to mean something different. And in that difference, we find the hope we need.

The first source of hope is this astonishing truth: God is REAL.

A long line of scientists, philosophers, and social engineers would love to convince you there is no God, no Designer, no Creator—that there’s nothing more to existence than what you can see.

My friends, that is a lie. Those who proclaim the lie may sincerely believe it, but a lie sincerely believed is still a lie.

In the Bible, King David expresses his opinion of those who deny the obvious truth about the existence of an Almighty Creator. He writes in Psalm 14 and verse 1,

“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

And some of the best evidence for God’s existence can be found today just as readily as King David was able to see it. Consider the remarks of the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 1:

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened” (vv. 18–21).

Note that Paul speaks of those who plainly see the evidence that we live in a universe created by an omnipotent, all-knowing God—the stars above our head, the orderly world around us, the intricate and complex designs of life. He notes that, just like one can detect the fingerprints of a master craftsman in the work He has created, those who look with open eyes and consider the evidence with humble hearts can see the fingerprints of their Creator.

In fact, Paul condemns those who suppress the truth they see and substitute lies, noting that they are without excuse for their rejection of the God they were unwilling to glorify.

That is a very real reaction to the created world and the obvious evidence of its Creator. We see it reflected in the words of Francis Crick, legendary biologist and co-discoverer of the exquisite structure of the DNA molecule. A die-hard evolutionist, Crick was writing about the mindset his fellow biologists must take as they examine the remarkable design and engineering of life:

“Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved” (Francis Crick, What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery, 1988, p. 138).

Similarly, famous evolutionist Richard Dawkins has written:

“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose” (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1986, p. 1).

Why must biologists, quote, “constantly keep in mind” that what they are looking at was not designed? Why is it that we must assume life only has, quote, “the appearance of being designed for a purpose”?

Because the evidence points overwhelmingly to life having been designed for a purpose.

The proofs of God’s existence are profound and more numerous than we can cover in this brief program. But I encourage you to explore our website, TomorrowsWorld.org, where you can find a number of resources to help you prove the existence of God for yourself.

So why is God’s existence one reason we can have hope?

There are many answers to that question, and some of them are tied to what’s coming later in today’s program. But think about it for a moment.

So much of modern science—even when it does not say so explicitly—tends to communicate a sense of meaningless. Hopelessness. If there is no God, there really is no meaning—we really are alone, sometimes, in a cruel world in which no one cares.

But… if God does exist—and He does—then we need never feel alone. If God does exist, then even in our greatest moments of despair, we have someone to cry out to for help, for mercy, for understanding! We have someone who understands what we’re going through, who sees our trials, who is willing to go through them with us.

In fact, in Genesis 16:13, when the Egyptian handmaiden Hagar is fleeing from the anger of her mistress, Sarai, she notes God’s encouraging presence, and calls Him “El Roi”—The God Who Sees.

God’s willingness to be with us in our most difficult trials was illustrated in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, who is God just as His Father is. He is not distant, aloof, and above our sufferings. Rather, Jesus Christ came to this world to live among us and experience what we experience. The book of Hebrews explains this aspect of Jesus’ life, noting that

“… in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered” (Hebrews 5:7–8).

God is real. He knows our suffering, our trials, and our burdens. Nothing we do happens in some lonely vacuum—instead, the One who wove our very lives together understands what we are going through, and is open to hearing the cries, fears, and requests of all who are willing to open themselves to Him.

You are not alone. God is very real.

There are profound implications of this, and those implications provide additional hope in our lives.

Jesus LIVES for Your Future

The second reason for hope is the beautiful truth that Jesus Christ is RETURNING.

Many mainstream “Christian” churches fall into one of two ditches—either they focus so much on “spiritual” things that they do little earthly good, or else they focus on trying to change this world through politics and policymaking, as if Jesus Christ were interested in ruling this broken world through its broken, carnal mechanisms. The former make the truths of the Bible seem unconnected to the world we live in today and the lives we live in that world, and the latter inevitably end up corrupted themselves, forgetting that the real Jesus Christ calls us to something very different than participating in the ways of this world.

Yet, Jesus Christ has not abandoned this world to its own devices. The news we see can sadden us, frustrate us, even anger us. All around us we see the guilty going free, those who do harm not held to account, and a world that is increasingly brutal—more like the animal world than the world of human beings.

But after Jesus Christ was resurrected, as He ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives, His disciples were told something very important—the only real source of hope this world has for its future.

As the Savior of mankind rose higher and higher into the sky and the disciples watched on, angels appeared next to them to declare some remarkable good news:

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).

This is important, because this foundational truth of true Christianity has been spiritualized away and diminished by so many of the different strains of counterfeit Christianity that currently fill the churches of this world.

The angels were explicit: In the same manner in which he ascended to heaven, He would one day descend back to this earth. Just as He physically ascended, He will one day physically return.

And that event, the return of Jesus Christ, will be the turning point of all of human history. It is the heart of the true gospel—or good news—preached by Jesus Christ during His three-and-one-half year ministry on earth. For when He returns, He will establish the Kingdom of God here on earth, which will grow to reign over every square inch of this planet.

All the horrors and injustices and heartbreaking suffering that we see streamed in our newsfeeds will become things of the past, tossed into the dustbin of history, and replaced by the glorious reign of Jesus Christ and His glorified saints under God the Father.

The horrific suffering of this present world—suffering that pricks our hearts and prompts us to search for even the smallest reason to hope that somehow something will change—that suffering is caused, ultimately, by Satan the Devil, called by Jesus Christ Himself the “ruler of this world” no less than three times in the book of John.

In fact, it’s the Apostle John who highlights this vital element of Jesus Christ’s mission, noting in 1 John 3 and verse 8 that

“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”

All the suffering, all the injustice, all the wars, all the greed and filth and malice that corrupts this world and causes us such grief—all of it will be taken away with the coming of the Kingdom of God and the reign of the Son of God.

The prophet Isaiah characterizes that reign, noting that those living in Tomorrow’s World will look at their new ruler and be moved to praise Him by the lives they now live, noting,

“His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

Later, in chapter 35, Isaiah describes that soon-coming world by noting the great miracles, healings, and even geological rejuvenation that will take place, saying,

“Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb sing. For waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert” (vv. 5–6).

When the news we see on our screens seems to be sliding into a state of almost permanent despair, and we begin to think that there is no hope, we can rest assured that nothing escapes the eyes of God and Jesus Christ. No injustice, no wrong, no harm, no suffering—and we can pray to God all the more fervently as Jesus taught us, saying, “Your Kingdom come.”

Jesus IS returning to this world and will not leave it doomed to mankind’s folly. And that is, indeed, a great source of hope.

A Future You Can Believe In, a God You Can Trust

Today we’ve discussed two fundamental sources of the hope you need to face the future—and the present—with courage and confidence:

  1. God is REAL.
  2. (And) Jesus Christ is RETURNING.

But there is one more we want to discuss that is intimately tied to these two and to your future:

  1. Your life has a PURPOSE.

You were made by God to one day be a member of His own family—experiencing life and reality just as He and His Son do now, and inheriting not only the Earth, but the entire universe as your possession, reigning and ruling as a Child of God forever.

It seems beyond belief—the stuff of science fiction. But I stand here today telling you that it is the firm declaration of God’s word—no matter how many misguided philosophers, preachers, and theologians try to hide it or dilute it, and no matter how incredibly shocking it might seem.

And understanding this transforms the first two sources of hope. Because God is real, His plan and purpose for us is real—and if anyone has the power to make His purpose for us come to pass, it is Almighty God. And when Jesus Christ returns, He brings with Him our reward: Transformation into the glorified Children of God, with divine power to make a difference—first in this world, reigning under Jesus for 1,000 years, then throughout the entirety of Creation, as we inherit all things, forever.

You were created for so much more than this life.

The mind-blowing purpose God has for your life has been hidden in plain sight—under your nose all the time, just waiting for you to discover it.

Discover your purpose—and discover an unending and undefeatable source of the very hope you need.

And I hope that this program has been a blessing to you. Please join us again next time—Gerald Weston, Richard Ames, Rod McNair and I will be right here waiting for you, ready to talk about the true teachings of Jesus Christ, the end-time prophecies of the Bible, and the truly good news of the Kingdom of God. Until we see you again, take care.

Thank you so much for watching! We here at Tomorrow’s World really do work hard to help you make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible. If you’d like today’s free offer, there is a link in the description where you can find it, and if you’d like more of this material and to be notified when it comes out, then click the “subscribe button” and be sure to click on the little bell. Again, thanks for watching, and we’ll see you again.

Nuclear Ambitions in India and China

Defense News reports that India has performed the first trial of an intercontinental ballistic missile designed by the nation’s own defense organizations and capable of carrying nuclear warheads (October 28, 2021).

Afghans Selling Their Daughters

When you look around the globe, what activities and behaviors do you see that must come to an end? What must leaders change to bring true peace and safety to nations and peoples? When the United States pulled out of Afghanistan, many warned the departure would severely destabilize that nation. We are now witnessing the terrible aftermath left by a leadership vacuum.

The Greatest Friend of All

You don’t have to feel alone, even with rapid changes in your life and society all around. Find out from your Bible how to tap into the most comforting—and longest lasting—friendship possible.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

A Time of Need

The coronavirus pandemic, major rioting, fires, wars, and natural disasters caused many to consider 2020 a year to forget. The effects of this pandemic damaged economies all over the world and intensified the negative conditions in poorer countries. Regulations countering the pandemic included quarantines and, in some cases, months of isolation. Some communities even enforced stringent curfews confining families to their homes for long periods of time. But one of the most damaging effects on many individuals was that of separation from face-to-face socialization leading to severe loneliness.

Loneliness has always been a social problem, but the problem has become so severe in Japan that the government established a “Minister for Loneliness”! The Independent reported: “Japan has appointed a minister for loneliness following a recent rise in the number of suicides and the coronavirus pandemic’s exacerbation of the issue”

Is loneliness one of your serious problems? If so, you need to solve that problem and experience success, happiness, contentment, and hope. Your Bible gives multiple solutions. One of the major solutions to loneliness is the help of a faithful friend. You need to know the way to true love and peace. And you need to know Who can be your greatest friend!

Stay tuned!

What is True Friendship?

Warm greetings to all our friends around the world!

We all need friends, but the national shutdowns due to the coronavirus have interfered with normal socialization and fellowship. The coronavirus pandemic caused many governments to virtually “shut down” cities, states, provinces, and whole nations. In April 2020, BBC News reported: “Coronavirus: The world in lockdown in maps and charts.” The report described “How the world shut down. The approaches to dealing with coronavirus across the world have been wide-ranging to say the least. In Colombia the days that you’re allowed to leave the house depend on the number of your national ID card; in Serbia a designated dog-walking hour was introduced; and in Belarus the president has gone against medical advice, recommending vodka and saunas as a way to stay safe. Some of the more common approaches have seen governments issue recommendations on social distancing for part or all of the country, while others have acted to restrict all non-essential internal movement. The latter is often called a lockdown” (BBC.com).

BBC News indicated that starting in April of 2020, more than 70 countries introduced nation-wide lockdowns, including France, Germany, the UK, Russia, Italy, Spain, South Africa, and New Zealand. The restrictions in some areas resulted in strict isolation affecting the mental health of many. The nation of Japan, facing an unprecedented increase in death and suicide in pandemic-stricken 2020, instituted an aggressive solution to loneliness; it appointed a Minister for Loneliness. The Independent reported: “Japan has appointed a minister for loneliness following a recent rise in the number of suicides and the coronavirus pandemic’s exacerbation of the issue”.

On today’s program, we’ll discuss principles of friendship and biblical examples of both faithful and unfaithful friendships. We will also discuss the Bible’s awesome revelation of One who can be our greatest Friend!

Ancient King David, before he became king, was anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the next king after King Saul. You can read about that in 1 Kings the sixteenth chapter. Most of you know the story of David’s victory over the giant Goliath and his subsequent military victories. King Saul was jealous and even tried to kill David two times. But Saul’s son Jonathan, who would ordinarily be considered the next king, became David’s best friend. In 1 Samuel 20, Jonathan affirms to David that he will do all he can to protect David from King Saul’s anger, and pledges his friendship with David. 1 Samuel 20:16:

“So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, ‘Let the LORD hold David’s enemies accountable.’”

And Jonathan had David reaffirm his vow out of love for him, for Jonathan loved David as he loved himself.

This rare example of faithful and loving friendship was in the context of God’s blessing. Remember the remarkable statement in Acts 13:22 regarding David’s character:

“And when He [God] had removed him, [King Saul] He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.’”

Yet, King David knew that his closest fellowship was with God, who had blessed him and delivered him through numerous trials. When betrayed by his old friend Ahithophel, David reflected in Psalm 55:16,

“As for me, I will call upon God, and the LORD shall save me. Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.”

My friends, you and I need that same close relationship with God. As it tells us in James 4:8,

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

James also mentions that the patriarch Abraham “believed God… And he was called a friend of God” (James 2:23).

Who is your closest friend?

Over the years, I’ve had many, many friends, but who is my BEST friend? God blessed me with a wonderful wife, and now over 57 years of marriage. But what was it that we had in common? We had similar backgrounds in culture and education, but what cemented our friendship, our love, was the way of life God called us to live. You’ve heard that way of life on [the] Tomorrow’s World program. It’s the way of True Christianity. There are counterfeit forms of Christianity which, frankly, have turned off some who might actually have been interested in biblical Christianity. I hope you’ve seen our Tomorrow’s World telecast “What is Biblical Christianity?

Where can you find true and faithful friends? You can find them in a loving group of biblical Christians who follow the true Jesus Christ of your Bible.

Friendship is Love

Tomorrow’s World magazine author Phil Sena gives us this perspective in his Tomorrow’s Youth column, “BREAK FREE FROM LONELINESS.”

“What is loneliness? It is complicated. It is not just one thing—and it can be caused by any number of factors. Some feel that no one else shares their values. Some feel they have no one to share their life with. Some simply feel that no one cares about them. These feelings can lead to a sense of isolation and alienation—and to a deep sadness, even despondency, making ordinary life more painful than the people around them can understand” (March–April, 2010).

My friends, we need to find those who care for others. And it’s important to know the biblical values that produce loving relationships and friendships. And while it may not be easy when you are feeling lonely, we must exercise love for our neighbor and reach out to others. Mr. Sena gives this advice:

“Connect with others. There are other people who like some of the same things you like, or who believe the things you believe. Although it may be difficult at first, making the effort to meet some of those people will change your life. Reach out to people who share your interests, and soon your loneliness will cease. One of the best ways to break through loneliness is to realize that there are other lonely people, and that you may be able to help them. Is there someone in your community who needs help? It does not need to be something big; maybe just taking the time to listen to an elderly shut-in or encouraging a niece or nephew by playing catch. Making a difference in someone else’s life will make a big difference in your own” (ibid.).

Yes, you can reach out to others! Pray and ask God to help you love your neighbor. That is the second Great Commandment God gives us. You can read that in Mark 12:31. Most people know of the golden rule, but how many practice it as a way of life? Jesus stated it this way in Matthew 7:12:

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Tomorrow’s World presenter, Rod McNair, authored this inspiring article, “HOW TO FIGHT LONELINESS—FIVE WAYS TO OVERCOME.” It’s in the January–February 2020 edition of Tomorrow’s World magazine. You can access it on our TomorrowsWorld.org website. He gives five principles for fighting loneliness. We don’t have the time to mention all of them, so I’ll just mention the fifth principle here, but I urge you to go to TomorrowsWorld.org and read the whole article for yourself.

We’re discussing the importance of friends. Mr. McNair reminds us of a vital principle: SPEND TIME WITH YOUR MOST IMPORTANT FRIEND. He comments: “Before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ told His disciples, ‘No longer do I call you servants… but I have called you friends’ (John 15:15). That’s an amazing statement from the Savior of all mankind!”

The Savior of the World, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, paid the penalty of our sins by shedding His blood for you and me. God’s love is forever. God IS love, as it tells us in 1 John 4:8, 16. That love facilitates a powerful friendship with those who are willing to live godly, and to follow the example of our Savior.

How can we practice true friendship? Let’s look at the patriarch Job and his three friends. God allowed Satan to afflict Job to test him. Even though Job’s three friends misjudged Job, they still had an unusual willingness to share in his suffering. Notice the time they spent with him in silence. Job 2:13:

“So they [Job’s three friends] sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.”

Would you have the compassion and patience toward a friend for seven days in silence? That’s dedication. The book of Proverbs also gives us principles of friendship. Proverbs 12:26:

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully….”

Many make the mistake of compromising their character and values just to have a friend. If you are a faithful friend, you stand up for godly principles and never compromise. Proverbs 17:9:

“He who covers a transgression seeks love, But he who repeats a matter separates friends.”

A faithful friend does not carelessly disclose the weaknesses of others, but strives to help him or her overcome a character flaw. Proverbs 17:17:

“A friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.”

Or as the New Revised Standard Version translates it,

“A friend loves at all times, and kinsfolk are born to share adversity.”

As we practice friendship, we need to know the Greatest Friend of all. Who is He? He is the One who loves you and gave His life for the sins of the world, and for your sins and mine! Yes, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ can be your BEST friend. So, we ought to know more about the true Jesus Christ of the Bible. The Apostle Paul warned that there are counterfeit presentations of Jesus. Turn in your Bible to 2 Corinthians 11:3. The Corinthians were fooled by people who SEEMED religious. Paul warned in 2 Corinthians 11:3,

“But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. [Now listen to this!] For if he who comes preaches ANOTHER JESUS whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!”

The Corinthians tolerated “another Jesus.” As shocking as it may sound, many professing Christians today accept “another Jesus” and not the Jesus of your Bible! My friends, which Jesus do you follow? A king? Or a weakling wandering around in the desert? Can you really know the TRUE Jesus as He was in the flesh? And can you really know Him as He is NOW, the glorified Son of God at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven? Yes, you can.

Jesus Christ—The One Who Gave Everything for His Friends

John 15:15:

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”

Yes, your greatest friend should be your Savior, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth! But notice, He gave this requirement, John 15:9:

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.”

My friends, not only can you overcome loneliness, you can find the way to true life, happiness, and friendship. But you need to prove and know the true Jesus of your Bible! There are many differences between the Jesus most people imagine, and the Jesus of your Bible. We’ve covered these points on previous programs, but let me mention just a few. The true Jesus of your Bible: 1. Observed the weekly seventh-day Sabbath (not Sunday. He is Lord of the Sabbath as it states in Mark 2:28–29). 2. Was born in the autumn, near the Feast of Trumpets (in September or October), not on December 25. There were shepherds living in the fields, Luke 2:8, in the autumn, not in the winter. You may want to do your own research to see whose ancient birthday was celebrated on December 25). 3. Taught that we must keep the Ten Commandments (contrary to modern popular teaching. Read Matthew 19:17). 4. Observed the biblical festivals and annual Holy Days (not pagan days with Christian names. He observed the Feast of Tabernacles, for example. See John the seventh chapter).

My friends, I urge you to read the New Testament with a fresh perspective. Read what Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote about Him. You need to study and know the real Jesus of your Bible. You may find Him very different from the traditional images that are promoted around the world.

Yes, the true Christ of your Bible is alive today! But where is He? What is He doing? Where is Jesus? He is at the right hand of the throne of God in heaven. You can read about that glorious throne in Revelation the fourth chapter! And you can read about His glorious, radiant, powerful appearance in Revelation 1:12–16! Yes, Christ ascended to heaven. And what is He doing? The book of Hebrews is called the priesthood book. The true Jesus of your Bible is called our great High Priest! Jesus is able to sympathize with our sufferings. Why? Because He suffered in the flesh. He knows pain and He knows betrayal and He knows the temptations we face. How do we know that? Turn again in the book of Hebrews to chapter 4 and verse 15. My friends, you have a great High Priest in heaven who knows you and intercedes for you. Listen to this in Hebrews 4:14:

“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

Listen to this encouraging scripture. Hebrews 7:24:

“But He [Christ as our Great High Priest], because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore [Listen to this] He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:24–25).

Yes, the true Jesus of your Bible ever lives to intercede for you and your sins and your problems, and He is doing a Work on this earth right now, preparing the way for His Second Coming! He commissioned His Church to preach the gospel. You’ve been hearing that gospel on this program, my friends—the same gospel Jesus preached, the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God. Just read about that in Mark 1:14 and 15. Jesus also prophesied that the gospel would be preached at the end of the age;

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

The true Jesus of your Bible actively guides His true servants in fulfilling the great commission. As He promised in the last verse of Matthew 28,

“… lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

My friends, you need to study your Bible and prove which Jesus is the true Christ!

Entering Into Fellowship With God

Doubting Thomas exclaimed that Jesus was “my Lord and my God” (John 20:28). The book of Hebrews reveals that Jesus is our “great High Priest” (Hebrews 4:14). He is called “King of kings and Lord of lords” in Revelation 19:16. In Isaiah 9:6, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth is called “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Remember how John the Baptist described Jesus. John told the crowds that followed him, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Jesus is also “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He is the “resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). My friends, you can research in Bible dictionaries and commentaries and find many more wonderful titles and names for the Jesus of your Bible. Now, let’s look at one final description in John the fourth chapter. Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well information only the Messiah could tell her. Then, she told the whole community about Jesus. They urged Jesus to stay with them. After they listened to Jesus, they came to the conclusion and the reality the world will soon know. John 4:42:

“Then they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world.’”

My friends, who is Jesus? He is the Savior of the world. And as it tells us in Acts 4:12:

“… there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

The Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, is alive! He is now preparing to return to this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. That same Jesus wants to be your best friend.

My friends, we all should pray as Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:10,

“Your Kingdom come.”

The Kingdom of God is coming to this earth. The King of kings, the Prince of peace, will transform this carnal, selfish, warring world into a millennium of peace and prosperity. That’s the good news of the gospel. But will you be ready? Remember, Jesus said,

“He who believes and is baptized will be saved…” (Mark 16:16).

My friends, if you’ve studied biblical baptism, and if you’ve come to the place in your life where you have repented and have accepted Christ’s sacrifice, His shed blood for the remission of your sins, and if you have accepted His authority over your life, we invite you to counsel with one of our ministers. We have representatives in many regions around the world.

Thank you for watching! Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss another Tomorrow’s World video, and if you would like a copy of our booklet What Is A True Christian? for free, click the link in the description. See you next time.
